Google seized the bus in Egypt

Posted by Unknown Monday, October 10, 2011

Westerners are trying to suggest that those of Arab countries in the wake of the root zone and not make it to the new technologies of communication and social media are compared. It is noteworthy that all of the West for its technology revolutionaries were mobilized to control the revolutions in their own hands. Google is one of the companies that develop new momentum in the act Vtrh Egypt launched a new claim to help and support to companies active in the field of new technologies has started in Egypt in the Arby 'Abda’ " Start] is called.
Google's director of operations in Egypt, claimed: "We believe that the spread of modern technology to economic and cultural development in this part of the world and will have political effects. It's time to give people hope that they can progress into the future and have hope. "
On the other hand, from the east, the Quadrennial State Department report, the plan was revealed that Hillary Clinton told the American public diplomacy, and development of technology export to Muslim countries, democracy and American values ​​as they are issued is so revolutionary and Islamic values, they will interlunar.
The program began with a group of workers in Egypt riding a bus with Google Inc. Google is a commercial sign and painted the word "Abda’" written on his travels around the country to begin.
The purpose of this program to identify and encourage those in the field of modern technologies have an economic plan. This project was reviewed by Google and the best plan to win the race in May next year will be awarded a prize of $ 200 thousand.
Google experts and innovators in new media in Egypt next month to select the best plan to all participants in this contest will provide technical assistance and advice.
Two independent institutions are responsible for organizing and overseeing the competition. Participants can adjust their product design or manufacture of software and computer programs available on the network such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook are available to use.


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