Become a member of the CIA with a simple click

Posted by Unknown Monday, October 10, 2011

CIA for recruitment ads in newspapers and television networks have begun. The job is very simple and the Internet and those interested can visit Llaqh within a few minutes to become a member of the CIA.
The only prerequisite for the job control languages ​​and dialects of Arabic, Russian, Korean, Farsi and Pashto, and equal rights with 39 to 71 thousand dollars a year for those in employment is considered.
Your interest in this necessary condition is given to international affairs and that the applicant has not used banned drugs from the past 12 months.
It allows employees to work through the many sites available and if an applicant has passed the period of military exercises is to get more rights.
This job ad is always the day before by the CIA recruited through radio and television did.


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