Mr. Asif Ali Zardari
President of Pakistan
President's Secretariat
Tel: +92 51 9204801/9214171
Fax: +92 51 9207458

The Pakistan Fishefolk Forum draw your attention to the matter which extensively reflects the law of the jungle in Pakistan and more importantly demonstrates the sheer inhuman misuse of political and administrative power coupled with assault, mishandling and torture.

Mangroves forests are the breeding grounds for fish, the mating grounds for migratory birds and strong safeguards against violent tides. But pitiably, despite the great significance of mangroves, these sea plants in Pakistan have been left most neglected. The swamps of mangroves have been decreasing day by day owing to various underlying and immediate causes, both natural and manmade. So far, the area of mangroves has been reduced to 86,000 hectares from 600,000 hectares, recorded some years back. Keeping this bleak situation in consideration, the Forest and Wildlife Department ,Government of Sindh, has declared the mangroves forests of Thatta and Karachi as "Protected Forests" through notification no: F & W (SO11)5(18)2008: dated 2nd November, 2010.

Despite the desperate condition of mangroves, land grabbing mafia has been unendingly encroaching upon the coastal land through reclaiming by earth filling. Many acres of mangrove has been reclaimed in the name of developing model villages in the administrative limits of Keamari and Bin Qasim towns of Karachi, creating threats to the local communities. Land grabbers, enjoying the backing of certain government officials and political leaders have destroyed wide areas by cleansing the mangroves forests, making the land for commercial purposes.

Against such destruction of Mangroves, Environment Friends of Kaka Pir Village ,SandsPit launched campaign against the land Mafia from the platform of Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum from January, 2011. They wrote letters to various concerned authorities to take immediate action to check the destruction. As a resultant, sea lord Haji Younis,Zulfiqar Younis along with accomplices attacked the Kaka Pir Village in January of this year, tortured the villagers and mishandled the women . After this attack the police refused to register the complaint by the Haji Abu and Abdul Ganai on behalf of all villagers and instead of arresting the culprits the police registered the fabricated cases against many of the villagers. The police attempted to arrest those villagers three to four times in February but the women protested against the police whenever they came. Besides, local sea lords with support of the police unleashed a series of fabricated cases against the fisherman of kaka Pir village in order to make them to quit from the cases.

But, Mr. President, the environment friends are fearless. They continued their unending and tireless campaign against sea lords and Land Mafia. They launched a mega campaign against all this form the platform of the Fisherfolk forum, a right based Civil Society Organization. PFF carried out various activities ranging from writing letters to civil society organizations, concerned authorities, appeals to the Asian Human Rights Commission, the Supreme Court of Pakistan, held demonstrations, Hunger strikes and ultimately held a short march which started from Kaka Pir Village Kiamari on 8 February and culminated outside of press club the next day. In the midst, the marchers staged Sit In demonstration outside of the Sindh Assembly where SSP Kiamari and Ms. Shelha Raza, Deputy Speaker Sindh Assembly ensured that SHO Mari Pur will be suspended within three days; secondly action will be taken against Haji younis and his son Zulifiqar Younis, Ex Town Nazim Kiamari involved in land grabbing and registration of fake FIRs against PFF Chairperson and violence of PFF local Community; thirdly a firm action will be taken against other land grabbers involved in land filling. Besides, a meeting with Honourable Zulifiqar Mirza, Ex Home Minister Sindh was held where he formed a committee in supervision of PPP leader Lal Bux Bhutto to inquire about the issue in details and submit the report. In light of decisions into the meeting, Honourable Home Minister has also telephoned you not to take any actions against anyone before the report is submitted. But, despite such promises land grabbing, mishandling of Kaka Pir Villagers and a series of Fabricated Cases against the villagers did not come to an end. So far five fabricated FIRs ( No : 43/11, 53/11 ,25/2011, 118/2011, 109/2011) have been registered against Kaka Pir Villagers including Muhammad Ali Shah, Chiarperson, PFF.

Mr. President, during the campaign, Haji Younis, Zulfiqar Younis along with their accomplices with support of SHO Mari geared up their threats posed to the Kaka Pir Villagers. Therefore, PFF Chairperson began to write to concerned authorities to remind them of their promises and to seek protection for Kaka Pir Villagers. On 15 February, He wrote letter to Shehla Raza, Deputy Speaker, Sindh Assembly that "In reaction to this peaceful campaign the sea lord, Haji younis, has reportedly planned to make onslaught and torture the villagers of kaka Pir in the disguise of a peaceful demonstration. Therefore, we extend our request to take action and provide us protection against the imminent and possible onslaught. We are extending you request to you instead of SHO Maripur because he himself has been involved in entire game of land grabbing and harassment of PFF workers". On 15 February, he wrote letters to Taluka Police Officer,Kiamar,DIG Police and IG police that "In reaction to this peaceful campaign Haji younis has reportedly planned to make onslaught and torture on the villagers of kaka Pir into disguise of peaceful demonstration. Therefore, we extend you request to take action and provide us protection against the imminent and possible onslaught. We are extending you request you instead of SHO Maripur because he himself has been involved in entire game of land grabbing and harassment of PFF workers".

On 3rd March he wrote letter to GIG Head quarter for taking due action against the land grabbers cautioning that their lives has been threatened.

But despite all these efforts, the government did not take any due action. Land grabbers grabed land unchecked .The station house officer (SHO) of Maripur police was left free to demonstrate his highhandedness. Therefore, Kaka Pir villagers continued their efforts from the legal front as well. Abdul Gani, the lead campaigner registered case against Haji Younis and his accomplices as well sindh Government, DIG Operation, West zone Karachi, town police Officer, West zone Karachi, SHO Maripur , Board of Revenue Government of Sindh, Karachi against the Mangroves cutting. As a result on the Petition No: D.326 /2011, High Court Karachi gave stay order against cutting of Mangroves on 11 April, 2011.

Mr. President, The stay order by the court somehow posed a threat to the nefarious intentions of Land Grabbers to clean off entire land of mangroves and to do business of plotting. As a result, Haji Younis, and his father Zulfiqar Younis, their accomplices along with police team of SHO Maripur violently and shamefully broke on the Kaka Pir Villagers on 5 May at Night Time. They blasted the office of PFF, murdered two activist leaders: Haji Abubakar, Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum president of Kaka Village unit and Abdul Gani Mirbahar, General Secretary of Karachi division PFF. In urgent reaction, a FIR against the Haji Younis, Zulfiqar Younis No: 93/11 dated 6-5-11. The case was registered by the brother of martyred Abdul Gani, namely Akbar alias Aku at Docks Thatta, Liayri Town. Besides, Asian Human Rights Commission released Petition. But despite the lapse of many days Culprits are yet free.SHO Maripur is yet on job.And The Villagers of Kaka Pir Village are yet at risk.

Therefore, Mr. President, you are requested to take due action as check could be given to cutting of Mangroves ,Culprits should be brought to justice and SHO Maripur could be suspended and Kaka Pir Villagers can breathe a sigh of relief.

Yours Sincerely,

{Signature name}

About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation that monitors human rights in Asia, documents violations and advocates for justice and institutional reform to ensure the protection and promotion of these rights. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


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