The First 10 Days of Dhu al-Hijjah

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, December 12, 2007 0 comments

The First 10 Days of Dhu al-Hijjah:
The Greatest Days of the Year.
All Praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad (saws), his family, and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgment.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Ramadan was a fleeting visitor that vanished as suddenly as it appeared, leaving us with sweet memories and mountains of reward or regrets. The month left us heart-broken, each for our own reasons. Some of us missed out on the great month, failing to invest in its nights and days, and losing the chance for forgiveness and salvation. Others savored every moment, growing closer to Allah and increasing their worship. In those few special days, we lived with Allah, the Generous, the Giving; only He knew our sorrow when the month disappeared.
But now, Allah is giving us a salve to ease our sorrow and bring back that happiness. It is a blessed gift, a fresh opportunity to erase our sins and cleanse ourselves. It is also a second chance, for those who felt Ramadan slip through their fingers.
The Prophet (saw) said, "Perform good year-round. And seek out the breaths of Allah's mercy. For Allah has breaths of His mercy-they touch whom He wills of His servants."
Such a breath of mercy has arrived, like a gentle breeze that suddenly rushes through us. This Friday marks the start of the ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah, days that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) preferred over all other days of the year:
"There are no days in which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these ten days." The companions asked him, "Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?" He replied, "Not even Jihad for the sake Allah-except for a man who goes out with his self and wealth, and returns with neither" (sahih).
They are the greatest days of the year, filled with boundless potential for the soul seeking the pleasure of Allah. While the opportunities for reward are countless, there are some special actions you can do to draw closer to Allah during the ten days of Dhu Al-Hijjah.
1. Dhikr
This act of worship requires no effort, and can be done any time and any place. All that is required is presence of mind and heart. The Prophet (saw) said, "There are no days greater in the sight of Allah, nor days in which deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these ten days. So fill them with the praises of 'la ilah illa Allah', 'Allah Akbar', and 'alhamdu lilah" (sahih). Dear brother and sister, engage in these blessed remembrances frequently, just as your beloved Prophet asked.
2. Fasting
Can th ere be a greater deed than fasting purely for Allah's sake? The Prophet (saw) taught us about fasting and its great virtue: "Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allah, Allah will place between him and the Hellfire a trench equal to the distance between the sky and the earth" (sahih).
Do not forget the reward of fasting the day of Arafah alone. The Prophet (saw) said, "Fasting the day of Arafah erases the sins of two years: the previous year and the coming one."
3. Charity
Our brothers and sisters who made it to Hajj this year have spent selflessly from their wealth and energy to fulfill their obligation to Allah. Do not hold back your own wealth and time. Give generously and try to earn a position with those who will be shaded by the throne of Allah on the Day of Judgment. Remember, {You shall not attain righteousness until you give from that which you love!} (Aal 'Imran, 92).
4. Quran
Make sure, dearest brother and sister, to fill these blessed moments with the Quran. Read it with devotion, ponder its meanings, and involve your heart. Listen to this stirring description by Allah: {Allah has revealed the greatest of messages-a Book, consistent within itself, oft-repeated: sending a shiver through the skins of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the remembrance of Allah.} (al-Zumar, 23)
When you truly live with the Quran, Allah will make you of His own people, a special group chosen to be close to Allah. Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "Amongst mankind are the People of Allah." Who are they O Prophet of Allah? "They are the People of the Quran-(they are) the People of Allah and His special circle" (sahih).
Strive to be one of the People of Allah. Try to join them by reciting the Quran, memorizing it, and contemplating its meanings. Beware of those who read its words and ignore its teachings. Know always that every word you recite carries great reward.
"Whoever recites one letter of the Quran, for him shall be one reward (hasanah) and each reward is multiplied by ten. I do not mean that 'Alif Lam Meem' is a letter; rather, 'Alif' is one letter, 'Lam' is one letter, and 'Meem' is one letter."
5. Qiyam al-Layl
Due to its worth in the sight of Allah, the reward for the extra night prayers has been kept secret. {No soul knows what delights of the eye lie hidden for them-a reward for what they used to do!} (al-Sajdah, 17)
The Prophet (saw) taught us that these night prayers "are the path of the righteous before you, a source of closeness to your Lord, a guard against wrong, an eraser of sins, and a cure for your bodies" (sahih). That is why the Prophet (saw) would never allow a night to pass without a soothing dose of qiyam.
6. Dua'
Wherever you are and whatever state you are in, remember to turn constantly to Allah, and never tire of asking Him for your needs in this life and the Hereafter. The Prophet (saw) told us that "Dua' is the essence of worship." So, worship Allah in these days by turning to Him and asking Him.
Dear brothers and sisters, as great as these ten days are, Allah has especially singled out the ninth day, the Day of Arafah. So you too, mark it and make it special. Increase your acts of worship, your remembrance, and your supplication throughout this great day. This is a day in which salvation from the hellfire is within your reach. The Prophet (saw) said, "There is no day in which Allah liberates more servants from the hellfire than the Day of Arafah" (sahih).
The days of Dhu al-Hijjah are also an opportunity to bring our communities closer and encourage one another. Every community should inspire its members to pursue the blessings of Dhu al-Hijja. WE recommends that every member:
a) Educate the virtue of these days.
b) Organizes a qiyam program for one of the nights.
c) Holds a group iftar on the day of Arafah.
Finally, what about the day of Eid?
Eid is nothing less than one of these blessed days, the tenth and final day. Do not let it pass without the remembrance of Allah: 'alhamdu lilah,' 'la ilaha illa Allah,' and 'Allah Akbar.' Do not let all the good you did in the past nine days be wasted by sinning and forgetting Allah on the last day, a day marked by Allah to celebrate our worship. Wear your best, put on your favorite fragrance, attend the Eid prayer and participate in the festivities. Reach out to your relatives, give charity to the needy & poor muslims, and incorporate dhikr, dua', and Quran into this happy day. You began these days seeking the pleasure of Allah, so end them with the pleasure of Allah.
May Allah bless these days and accept from all of us. May He make them days of happiness and mercy for the ummah.

Balochis of Pakistan: On the margins of history

[Cover of Balochis of Pakistan: On the margins of history]
Foreign Policy Centre
4 December 2006 £9.95 (plus P&P), plus £1 p+p.
On 4 December 2006, the Foreign Policy Centre held a seminar on Balochistan, a volatile region of Pakistan. This was part of a series of events the Foreign Policy Centre is organising in Parliament on conflicts that receive little attention in the media or elsewhere.
The meeting launched the FPC report, Balochis of Pakistan: On the margins of history.
STEPHEN TWIGG, the FPC's Director said:
"This pamphlet sets out a powerful and well argued case that the Balochi people have been let down - by the British Empire, by the founders of modern India and by successive Governments in Pakistan. It is a fascinating analysis which we hope will contribute to constructive discussion about Balochistan's future."

nO smOking please

Posted by Unknown 0 comments

Mobile TVGuide

Posted by Unknown Monday, December 10, 2007 0 comments

he Mobile TVGuide software allows you to view TV schedules on your mobile device, so that you are always informed about what's on TV, wherever you are. It allows you to see TV schedules on you PDA, Smartphone or mobile phone.

It supports downloading TV schedules from the following sources:

These listings cover BBC World, CNN, Discovery and many other channels.

You may also use another program, FreeGuide, to download TV schedules for many other countries onto your desktop computer. Because it supports XMLTV to download listings, it can download listings for many countries.

Download Mobile TVGuide for your platform:

Before downloading listings for North America, you need to register at When you have done this you will be able to download TV guide data through GPRS or another Internet connection.

PDA version:Smartphone version:

Mobile phone version:

English in Japan

Posted by Unknown 0 comments

Letter to BB from the Daughter of Late Justice Safdar Shah

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, December 04, 2007 0 comments

Dear Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto,

I was absolutely shocked and amazed at your latest statement regarding the judiciary. How could you, of all people, say that you believed in an independent judiciary BUT that personalities did not matter? If personalities did not matter then why was Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry removed? Why were some judges locked up whereas others were not? If personalities did not matter then why is Musharraf waging a personal war against the CJ? You do not have to be a genius to figure out the reason. How can you separate the personalities from the institution? What you have on Constitution Avenue right now is a besieged and helpless building. The unfortunate but harsh truth is that right now we are a besieged nation as well.

Ms. Bhutto, I am writing to you because your statement has shocked and disturbed me to the extent that I feel I have no option but to reach out to you in this manner. I would like to remind you, since you seem to have forgotten, that you too were the victim of a corrupt judiciary. If Justice Iftikhar had been the CJ of the Supreme Court at that time then perhaps your father would never have been hanged. Had the entire bench been like the present one then there would have been a unanimous judgment. But the judgment was not unanimous - it was a 4 to 3 split – just one judge too many on the wrong side. One more upright personality on the right side and our history would have been different. So yes, personalities certainly do matter.

Ms. Bhutto, I am writing to you in desperation because I am the daughter of Late Justice Safdar Shah, who was one of the three dissenting judges. When Mr., Bhutto was the Prime Minister my father was CJ of the Peshawar High Court. Both these headstrong personalities did not get on with each other, and because of Safdar Shah’s constant criticism and disagreement regarding the reforms and policies being introduced by the PM, the latter had him prematurely retired by introducing the 5th Amendment. After the coup, when Gen. Zia took over, and Mr. Bhutto was charged and convicted of Conspiracy to murder by the Lahore High Court, he appealed to the Supreme Court. Gen. Zia wanted Mr. Bhutto dead and he did his best to manipulate the bench. It soon became obvious as to WHY Safdar Shah had recently been appointed as judge of the Supreme Court . Having the typical mind-set of a dictator, Zia was sure that he would be vindictive and take revenge. But, he was wrong and the rest is history. WHY? Because three of the judges had the courage to say NO, and did not give in to the threats and pressure exerted on them. So yes Ms Bhutto, personalities do matter. Had Justice (retd) Wajiuddin’s father , the late Hon.Waheeduddin not been prematurely retired on extremely dubious medical grounds , history could have been different, No one can dispute the fact that the judgment was wrong since Justice (retd) Nasim Hassan Shah confessed on a talk show on TV a few years ago that the judges were threatened and pressurized into giving that judgment. Yes Ms. Bhutto, they were, and I am a witness to that fact.

Ms. Bhutto, our paths crossed briefly and both of us were victims of a corrupt judiciary which colluded with a Military Dictator. But I am not writing this letter to lament about our plight, since nothing we went through can possibly compare to the torture and torment you and your family went through .Have you forgotten the times when you visited your father in prison? Have you forgotten the humiliating tactics those heartless tyrants subjected you and your family to? Have you forgotten the last time you went to visit him in prison and were not able to hug him? Whenever I think about that grave injustice, which was nothing but a judicial murder, my heart goes out to you and what you suffered then and have suffered since. That is precisely why I am at my wits end and cannot understand WHY you cannot value the importance of independent judges.

Ms.Bhutto, do you think you are invincible? Are you so blinded that you cannot or will not acknowledge the truth? Does it never occur to you that some day you might have to face those judges in the present Supreme Court.? Well let me please spell it out. With independent judges you get a verdict you deserve, whereas with the present kind of farce you get a judgment dictated by the intelligence agencies or the dictator himself. Do you honestly not know or are you honestly not aware of the grave injustice going on? Does it not send a chill up your spine that if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court can be tossed around by Musharraf it could very well be you as well ?For God’s sake Ms. Bhutto , WAKE UP .You owe it to your father as well as to the nation to defend the judiciary and fight for its independence.

My father continued to be persecuted even after the judgment and we were forced to leave the country. But I will never forgive or forget those responsible for the torment my father went through during his last years. He died an unhappy man and was never able to get over the fact that he was not able to prevent the cold-blooded murder of an innocent man. And that innocent person was your father for God’s sake! I have vowed that I will continue to fight for the independence of the judiciary come what may! I was confident and certain that once you were back you would definitely take up this battle and lead the nation towards sanity.

Ms. Bhutto, is it not obvious to you WHY Musharraf wants Justice Iftikhar out of the way? Ask the families of the ‘missing persons’, who for the first time were being heard and for the first time they could see a light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone knows who is responsible but no one before this CJ had the courage to take up the matter. Ask the countless downtrodden people who had discovered that they could have direct access to the CJ through Suo Moto notices. Ask 2 and 3 yr old Aneela and Tasleem from Naudero Feroze in Sindh , ask 4 yr old Shaneela or 6yr old Munni or 8 yr old Marina from Mardan what this Chief Justice has done for them. These innocent little girls were the victims of jirga decisions according to which they were to be handed over to the enemy as a symbol of truce .It was Justice Iftikhar who took serious notice of this barbaric custom and passed strict orders to the local authorities to prevent this atrocity from carrying on. It was during the tenure of this CJ that serious environmental disasters were averted .Who took notice of the New Muree Project? Who took action in the Dungi ground case? Who prevented Shah Sharabeel from converting a public park in sector F-7 Islamabad into a multi-million commercial project? Ask the poor people living in the adjacent Christian colony what that decision meant to them. Sharabeel has taken up arms against the CJ since this decision because for that class of people the slum dwellers are a low life who do not deserve any special attention. I can go on and on about the cases in which the SILENT CRIES OF THE DOWNTRODDEN of our society were being heard by a sympathetic judge for the first time. Ms. Bhutto, these are the Suo Moto notices which Musharraf said were a waste of time in his speech justifying the emergency. If personalities did not matter then why is Musharraf so threatened by this man? On any and every occasion he gets he attacks and tries to malign the CJ with a vengeance. His abnormal hatred for the man has exposed the truth. He knows very well that this man was the biggest hurdle in his plans to destroy what is left of our country. The coup was against the judiciary, the ‘emergency’ was created to sack the CJ and the other conscientious judges. Musharraf needs to be told that we are not a nation of imbeciles and that everyone is aware of the truth and the depth of the situation. We all know that the ‘crisis ‘ in Swat or the threat of terrorism had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the sacking of the CJ and the locking up of him and the other judges.
Once again Ms Bhutto, I beg you to think very carefully about where you are heading. I beg you not to betray your father or the nation. I beg you not to fall into Musharraf’s trap and to boycott the elections. The rigging has already taken place, so why are you allowing yourself to become a party to this farce? I beg you to realize that you are the one holding the trump card right now. If you boycott the election, THEY lose face. But if YOU participate, you not only lose face, you lose the confidence and the faith the people of Pakistan have in you. Last but not least, you owe it to Bilawal, Bakhtawar, Aseefa and all future generations of our beloved country.

Yours sincerely,

Ghazala Minallah
D/O Late Justice Safdar Shah


Posted by Unknown 1 comments

A 1

The Emergency Number worldwide for **Mobile** is 112 ...* If you find yourself out of coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. **Try it out.**


Have you locked your keys in the car? Does you car have remote keys?

This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone:

If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone.

Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock.
Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).

Editor's Note: *It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!'*


Hidden Battery power

Imagine your cell battery is very low , you are expecting an important call and you don't have a charger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time.


How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?

To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone:

* # 0 6 #

A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. when your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.

You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either.

If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.

Please spread this useful information around


Posted by Unknown Monday, December 03, 2007 0 comments

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Posted by Unknown 1 comments

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Posted by Unknown 0 comments

Most cost-efficient, all-in-one call controller! PhonePilot is the voice and video call management tool for everyone! It integrates all call control * functions on the market, including: black/white list filter, call diverter, answering machine, call recorder and auto SMS responder.
Intuitive grouping method of incoming callers! PhonePilot's intuitive classification feature can let you divide incoming callers up to seven groups, including: callers on any five lists or phonebook, callers not on above lists/phonebook and callers with private number. You can assign one of seven responses to each group. Possible responses includes: accept, voice response, busy tone, busy + send SMS, divert calls to, record conversation and mute the ringer.

• Up to seven response methods for incoming callers
When an incoming voice or video callers in a specific list or phonebook, there are up to seven response methods for selection:

* Accept
* Voice Response (answering machine)
* Send busy tone
* Busy + send SMS
* Divert calls to voicemail or other phone number
* Record conversation
* Mute the ringer

Note! Both parties will hear beeps periodically when call record is processing. You can try to disable these beeps by changing the option "No beep phonecall record" to "Yes" or "Force no beep".

• Flexible, unlimited profiles
You can divide callers into up to seven groups, including five groups divided by phonebook or customizable lists, a group for callers not in above lists or phonebook and a group for private number callers. Then assign any response method above to any one group and save these configurations as a "profile". You can create unlimited profiles as you wish.

• Powerful scheduler
You can configure to activate any profile automatically at appointed time with a built-in scheduler. For example, Activating "Office" profile at 9:00am and "Off duty" profile at 7:00pm. Activating "Holiday" profile on Saturday and Sunday, etc...

• Complete parameters can be tailored to your preference

Adjustable parameters like:
* Auto-run at power-on
* Show indicator when running
* Whether watch video ro fax calls
* Delay before answering machine picking up
* Answering machine timeout, etc...

Main features
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* Flexible scheduler to enable you activate profiles automatically
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* Take over or reject a voice response answered call anytime when answer machine is still in action
* Auto run at power-on
* Show an indicator on phone and menu screen when running

Devices supported
Nokia (S60 v3.0)
Nokia (S60 v3.1)
5700/6110 Navigator/6290/N76/N95

Languages supported
Traidtional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Download Link

Killer Mobile TotalRecall v1.02 call recorder

Killer Mobile TotalRecall v1.02


The new face of Conversation/Extended Recording for Series 60 Devices
Yeah, yeah - we know. We already have Spy Call. But, it's time for a new kid on the block - it's time for Total Recall (tm). Total Recall (tm) was built from the ground up, and is designed to be the easiest to use recording utility on the market. Best of all - we're open to your suggestions. Contact us with your ideas and feature wish lists, and you can be assured we'll do our best to get them implemented as soon as possible!

3rd Edition Updated June 18th 2007 - Update Includes

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Download Link

Try this:
Go to menu
--->Date and time
-> And change the date one year back!

Go to menu
-> Settings
--> Applications
---> App. Manager
----> Online Certificate Check -> off

Go to menu
-> App. Manager [app. mgr.]
--> Options
---> Settings
----> Software Installation
-> Check - All

Just Change The Date One Year Back Every Time The ( Expired Certificate ) Error Message Shows Up

Thats it


"Zeitgeist" a thought-provoking and revealing movie produced by Peter Joseph captures the reality of America's political arena. It begins with the rationalization and analysis of the Christian religion as it is perceived today, and moves on to expose the bitter naked truth of the Bush administration - the Bush family - the events surrounding the 9/11 - and the totalitarianism concept that is being propagated as the underlying agenda of the American government's political occupations and wars beginning from the so-called Afghanistan & Osama Bin Laden charade to the attack on Iraq - two totally unrelated and baseless events created as part of a much larger plan - leading to the present issue of Iran and its nuclear empowerment. What a few dangerous men have been planning over the years might lead our whole human race into oblivion.

This movie will be screened on DECEMBER 7TH 2007 at the Genesis Cinema in London. You can watch the google version of the pre-released video in the following link: zeitgeistmovie

The following is the full text of a letter written by the daughter of Pakistan's deposed chief justice, obtained by the Guardian after it was smuggled out of his home where he and his family are currently detained under house arrest :

"I am a proud child"

This letter is for all the Judges who refused to take oath under PCO and who happen to be my uncles as well. I had never thought that one day I will have to convey my message to you people like this, through this mode but we know things are not smooth as they had been and it is one of our testing times.

This might be one of the crucial times we are facing but we should be proud that Allah chose us to sacrifice for this country. Yes it is indeed a sacrifice which we have to bequeath, not for ourselves but for this country. Ever since I opened my eyes I have seen my father affiliated with judiciary and now it is like a part of our lives. Our life is like a tree and judiciary is one of its branch. We have grown up with this branch and we cannot let anybody slice it. If we will
not protect it then who else?

We may not be allowed to attend our schools or universities, we may have got our mobile phones blocked, we may not be allowed to meet anyone or go out, we may be kept in our homes like prisoners, we might be treated like militants or terrorists but WE DONOT CARE,
because it's a time of sacrifice and we have to do it.

We are proud to have elders like you who have made us proud. You people have made our lives, not only for us but for our next generations as well. We will feel proud to tell our youngsters that
our elders did not succumb to any kind of pressure no matter how hard things were around them. We will always walk with our heads high and our hearts filled with pride. Thank you so much for giving this immortal gift to us.

I hope all of you are in best of your health and would read this letter. Love you all.

Yours Pinky (Palwasha Iftikhar Chaudhry)

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Posted by Unknown Saturday, December 01, 2007 0 comments

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