How the world fools man - watch this video

Posted by Unknown Monday, December 03, 2007

"Zeitgeist" a thought-provoking and revealing movie produced by Peter Joseph captures the reality of America's political arena. It begins with the rationalization and analysis of the Christian religion as it is perceived today, and moves on to expose the bitter naked truth of the Bush administration - the Bush family - the events surrounding the 9/11 - and the totalitarianism concept that is being propagated as the underlying agenda of the American government's political occupations and wars beginning from the so-called Afghanistan & Osama Bin Laden charade to the attack on Iraq - two totally unrelated and baseless events created as part of a much larger plan - leading to the present issue of Iran and its nuclear empowerment. What a few dangerous men have been planning over the years might lead our whole human race into oblivion.

This movie will be screened on DECEMBER 7TH 2007 at the Genesis Cinema in London. You can watch the google version of the pre-released video in the following link: zeitgeistmovie


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