Balochis of Pakistan: On the margins of history

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Balochis of Pakistan: On the margins of history

[Cover of Balochis of Pakistan: On the margins of history]
Foreign Policy Centre
4 December 2006 £9.95 (plus P&P), plus £1 p+p.
On 4 December 2006, the Foreign Policy Centre held a seminar on Balochistan, a volatile region of Pakistan. This was part of a series of events the Foreign Policy Centre is organising in Parliament on conflicts that receive little attention in the media or elsewhere.
The meeting launched the FPC report, Balochis of Pakistan: On the margins of history.
STEPHEN TWIGG, the FPC's Director said:
"This pamphlet sets out a powerful and well argued case that the Balochi people have been let down - by the British Empire, by the founders of modern India and by successive Governments in Pakistan. It is a fascinating analysis which we hope will contribute to constructive discussion about Balochistan's future."


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