
Posted by Unknown Tuesday, October 25, 2011 0 comments

Afghanistan earthquake comes. Three hundred thousand people are killed. Al Qaeda is responsible for the earthquake. U.S. forces have bombed all the mountains of Afghanistan, including bin Laden and three hundred thousand people in this conflict destroy. After another four hours Fsqly aftershock comes and it also undertakes the responsibility of bin Laden.

Japan earthquake comes. Japan announces the news of the day for a month, every day of the great earthquake of magnitude eight and a half, will hit Tokyo. Tokyo residents, and to try my mumbling beetle resistance of buildings, three are added to the earthquake Richter's own hand!

MRI comes Tzlzlh. Half the country is destroyed. Dilapidated buildings and kill the yellow tape around them to make a tourist attraction. Iranians have visited these places and Amaratyha with money from tourism, as a country right?

Earthquake hate America. Fa * any * form the bottom and not injured, but two and a half are homeless. Tlvyryvn Iran's ten times the player and the policies of Barack Obama, George Bush, and Clinton and Christopher Columbus is a severe criticism. America's foreign minister reminded that the threat of terrorism and the bombing of Afghanistan are back!

Switzerland comes the earthquake. The spectacle of four breaks of the residents. All citizens of the Swiss government to grant paid three million euros. The entire cabinet of the apology and accepting responsibility for all events, their collective resignation.

Colombia earthquake comes. Ninety-one people are killed except for all the population. Armed conflict occurs. A 14 year old teen with RSS. Pi. Jay kills ninety others. Then R is itself suspect. Pi. Hlqsh down here I can see!

Indian earthquake comes. All homes are destroyed. Displaced people in the street and they will die of hunger. The ascetic in a collective action, and are saved from certain death!

YouTube, Google recently released a new software service that allows users with a simple click of ordinary two-dimensional to three-dimensional movies have become.

According to Mehr news agency quoted the Word Craft, YouTube for video content D, provide a new tool has become. With this software, users can only see three-dimensional content on this site may not be his next two films D and then put on YouTube.

This new tool is ideal for users who have less expertise and allows them to select the correct Video 3D movies and convert two-dimensional to three-dimensional. YouTube product manager noted that the introduction of this tool for viewing the content is still having a three-dimensional glasses.

This service is provided on the other new tools that can be pointed to the editor Magisto. This software is able to select the best scenes and to combine them with music and effects.

Zeus, according to news reports, the second tool is Vlix can add various effects to movies, add text to the opening and closing.

Perhaps many years from the original logo, but it's not a Taiwanese company, Acer plans to change with this new chapter in understanding the company and products for the world to begin again.

The report quoted the Word Craft CD, new logo, which according to most experts of letters similar to the Apple logo and Apple products are designed with bright green and is trying to show the new logo and color scheme of its policies your company to show the world.

Perhaps one reason why the discussion of color and energy-friendly nature of the party's logo represents the company's identity, and strategic knowledge that it is in accordance with claim Taiwanese company to change the logo you company on the productivity huge See.

Acer has to be seen whether and how the company claims is close to reality.

Buying an LCD and LED displays the latest products in front of you will be sure you buy a little confused. So to better understand the differences between these two technologies continue to read this carefully.

The report quoted the Word Craft CD, both LCD and LED display technology, LCD screens have the benefit of both the liquid crystal display, but there are several key differences to the way the name We.

LCD displays are made up of two glass polarized together in the liquid crystal placed between the glass and the light from the back of his plays. In fact, light does not produce a liquid crystal display in both the light source of a series emitted light bulbs are located behind the screen. in display LCD, the light bulb behind the screen displays, LED fluorescent lamp, but the lamps are light emitting diodes that perform this task.

LED displays for the two types of lamps for backlighting are:

1 - Light Edge
In fact, the structure of the LED displays are used in the lighting around the edge of the screen.

This type of display offering a very slim possibility that the manufacturer originally producing this type of display used in this type of structure.

2 - Light Full Array
Full lighting array is placed behind the screen and make appropriate colors red, green and blue can.

This structure is used in many of today's displays and the display colors in the spectrum becomes more clear.

However, image quality is hard to say what type of image display quality, a better offer, but the advantage of LCD displays have low energy LED front display images with higher brightness.

You're still calling the shots for the final and perhaps other factors should be priorities for you.

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    ای او بی آئی میں رجسٹریشن کے فوائد
    ضعیف العمری پینشن
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    Your duty as a responsible industrialists that the welfare of their employees to register their company in EOBI.

    Perhaps you are also asking that the difference in 64-bit 32-bit operating system is?

    Word of the Craft, when you are talking about 64-bit operating system, you must distinguish between two concepts in computing 32-bit and 64 bit. 64-bit systems in order to achieve higher performance and supports more main memory RAM, a 64-bit addressing as used on the size of memory that can address only 4 GB of RAM which is also quite will not be allocated)

    Messages may be faced with this ambiguity, which is the better choice for them. The first step is to identify one of three operating systems Windows XP, Vista and 7. If you select Windows XP, 32 bit will have no choice, of course. Because of the problems and inconsistencies very disturbing, actually 64-bit versions of Windows entirely excluded, and Microsoft has released Service Pack3 for it. But in windows vista and 7 are completely different conditions, especially in Windows 7 will be more consistency and control.

    Benefits of 64-bit operating system
    This system has two advantages compared to the 32-bit version. The first 32-bit OS is limited to a maximum of 4 GB of main memory, the RAM memory allocated to it all with no additional memory cards such as graphics and memory-related processes, actually more than 3 GB will not be available. But the 64-bit, up to 16 terabytes of RAM is supported. The second advantage of higher speed and efficiency in software that is specific to this structure. Including most graphics programs like Adobe photoshop and can be 2 and 3 dimensional design software like AutoCAD, 3dsMax, and noted that the operation and use by professional users, significant differences in performance seen. The entire structure when running multiple applications simultaneously higher their shows. Security in the 32-bit versions of Windows 64 is much higher.

    64-bit operating system flaws
    This structure must be delivered in the first generations of computer hardware as the old. The 64-bit hardware drivers in the past and had not actually used in this environment. But more importantly, the unavailability of 64-bit versions of programs that promote the activities and projects Older, High Resolution images of this problem in the design or Advanced Rendering with programs such as the V-Ray, it will be. Most accounting software programs such as the Iranian Persian, dictionaries, etc. due to lack of manufacturer support, Windows 64 are not applicable. Note that in accordance with the operating system on your computer, a 64-bit programs must be written to the benefits and features you use. Otherwise, install a 32-bit applications on Windows 64-bit operating system, install it on the concrete with 32-bit and 64 bit as well as the means and speed of information processing is not double.

    Since the 64-bit operating system more advanced and more complex algorithms are used for memory addressing, a higher amount of memory will require 64-bit version as well as some applications do not have the problem that some users' pockets.
    All software is transfer them to the positive, do not use 64-bit. Some low-level components such as computer hardware drivers, still no 64-bit drivers. Interface between the hardware and operating system and hardware drivers are the responsibility of working parts in Compatibility Mode is also the case in certain parts of your system is not available for 64-bit drivers are not part of the 64 specimens used.

    32-bit operating system flaws
    As noted, 32-bit operating system does not use all 4GB of memory. Windows and hardware components of a written account to access memory or "memory mapped access" use them in the first 32-bit (4 GB) memory allows the system. Graphics memory is also exactly the same area. (Ass-ons) such as IDE Net. Capable of 200 MB or more memory address space they occupy. So that Vista can be a maximum of 3 to 25 / 3 GB of RAM, depending on system configuration to use. In this way the Linux kernel so that it never uses any other method than a GB of address space will be needed.
    Different versions of Windows 32-bit and 64 bit versions are usually both. When you choose Windows hardware profile of your system should be fully considered in the selection of 64-bit Windows 64-bit drivers for all hardware, make sure the system.

    Owners of older systems with limited memory and processing speed than the best option for the installation, windows XP (32 - bit) is recommended for professional users as needed, to promote some of their hardware, the technology to move.

    When should we draw the line on 64-bit operating system?

    It is true that I suggest you go to the Windows 64-bit, but I'm not going to deceive you, then you should tell the facts.

    If your system has less than 2 GB of RAM, after going to 64 bits, do not change appreciably observed.

    If you have a Windows 3.1 or DOS, which is no more likely to use a program such as Windows 64 bit, 16-bit programs are not possible. It should be Hvastan the old programs.

    If you have very old hardware that is supported by the manufacturer in a large bantan takes bad luck because in this case may not be 64-bit Windows drivers for your hardware. Unfortunately, the pain of 32-bit drivers for Windows 64 matches.

    In the end, and a conclusion that if you recommend 64-bit PC processor and at least 4 GB of RAM memory are also compatible with Windows 64-bit hardware drivers, use 64-bit Windows. In this If the dependence structure of memory RAM, with 2 GB of memory, there is much difference in using 64-bit operating system. (Of course, if a 6 or 8 GB of RAM your system can increase, the difference will be quite significant. You can also refer to the latest drivers from your hardware manufacturers website built to suit your operating system to receive)

    The Laptop also ensure that the 64-bit drivers for their hardware, you can use this structure. Otherwise 32-bit Windows is a better choice. There is also the only way to ensure 64-bit drivers, refer to the manufacturer's site and see a list of Laptop drivers available for your device.

    While all media in the West, and the introduction of Islamophobia Muslims as terrorists are concerned, the news recently there have been 80 anti-Islam terrorist group.

    Norwegian anti-Islamic terrorists in the past July 77 civilians were killed in a police interrogation, said 80 armed anti-Islam terrorist group in Europe there are three groups of them in Norway.

    Based on this report from Reuters, the police spokesman said this point: 60 to 80 armed terrorist group in Europe is cooperating with police and security agencies are investigating about 35 cases in 20 countries, which may things July to be bloody.

    It is suspected after the events of September 11, a collective will of the mafia in the media and advertising related to the West, which typically are formed Syvnystha to Muslims as terrorists must admit that while the authorities in European countries, the Muslim order most interested and most of these countries are slowly.

    Google is currently building a Belgian beer company called Dog Fish, cooperation in the production of a beer brand Rkantynnt has begun.

    Internet giant Google over the years invested in the giant footsteps of many other areas related to Internet technology has brought. This time, however, Google is investing in a completely different and a little strange, surprised media observers are motivated. Internet company Google recently decided to partner with a Belgian beer is produced in the field.

    Google is currently building a Belgian beer company called Dog Fish, cooperation in the production of a beer brand Rkantynnt has begun.

    In this partnership, the company's technical knowledge to produce the goods receipt and Doug pieces of honey used in this type of beer will Btamyn Google. It's Google in the hives of honey, California, United States.

    Other elements of this type of beer, which is located around the world are produced. For example, seeds from Australia lightwood, marigold from South America, Africa, and a plant to plant in front of the bus Myryka Gil will be made from Europe.

    It also contains large amounts of alcohol as beer is twice as common Bjvhay.
    Rkantynnt beer last week for the first time in the company, Doug bill was introduced in America. You must see it popularity and world-renowned company, Google can encourage consumers to buy this beer?
    According to a spokesman for Google, Google is acting only as an advertising and Google is not supposed to be serious in making beer.

    However it seems that Google's recent actions in the Muslim biggest search engine users do not reflect very positively and even in Muslim countries will reduce the popularity of the Internet giant.
    Given Google's recent move that surprised many observers of the provoking, must sit and wait for Google to see what other areas of the chance to be tested in various markets.

    The first comments about the history of cloth and flags there. Some believe that the first flag was made of cloth in the world, was by the Chinese and Hindi. It is known that the Chinese, 1100 BC, was a cloth banner. But others believe that the first flag was made of cloth was invented by the Romans. Square of cloth on a bar attached, the width of the spear was over.

    flag or banner, or flag the word used for naming a piece of fabric that usually designs and colors or colors that distinguish a nation or a country or a symbol or decoration used . Human worship through the ages and centuries to show the homeland and the courage to express his country's flag is taken to the battlefield. As the design, shape and color of the flags of various countries, and its application in the history has been different. It is sometimes used as a symbol of unity and is sometimes used for decorations. Boost the morale of the soldiers on the battlefield and to raise it to remain as a tribute to the lives, the martyrs of the homeland in ways that are complex.

    Today, flags are used on the battlefield and also for parties and events large and small events of national and server are used. At his coronation, the anniversary celebrations of independence or freedom, death and mourning for the great national and patriotic character, and in times of elections or in the event log in the dignity and honor costly sacrifice their homeland to the use of national flags. Overall flag UTI symptoms, elation, unity and self-recognition of a foreign country and every citizen, wherever it is necessary in the circumstances is to respect the flag of their country and it is protected from harm incidents.

    Flag History:
    History of the United Nations flag at the root is as old as the history of invention and its use dates back to about 5 thousand years ago. At that time were hunters and warriors who first thought of using something similar to the flag because they wanted to have both friends and enemies so that they recognize and understand that they would have war or peace and friends. The original flag was probably made from animal skins or birds. Use the flag as a symbol of ancient Egypt and Assyria and the Jews were common in the Bible is frequently referred to. The flag of the Islamic government has also matter. The Prophet (PBUH) and the employment problems of the flag and Leva said the recent term (employment problems) apparently is not unique to the flag of Islam. Abbasid white flag and green Shiite flag used. Flag or banner images on different objects can be seen especially in the miniatures.
    The ancient Greeks in the early part of the armor that was installed on a pole as a flag to be used. Later, a Greek city state had its own flag. Banner or flag in common use among the Romans, and later converted to Christianity from Constantinople, where the flag consisted of a purple silk cloth, and called Jesus, the Greek letters of the cane, the usual construction. The flag was a religious aspect in Europe. Several flag was used in medieval times and the use of national flag was typical of the late eighteenth century. In Iran, the old, famous and popular Kavian flag and white flag with Cyrus in the Golden Eagle was used.
    The first two comments about the history of the flag cloth there. Some believe that the first flag was made of cloth in the world, was by the Chinese and Hindi. It is known that the Chinese, 1100 BC, was a cloth banner. But others believe that the first flag was made of cloth was invented by the Romans. Square of cloth on a bar attached, the width of the spear was over. In early Roman rule, Roman soldiers, wooden beams that form the different animals and combine them at the top was installed, they can carry. Then they started using the cloth flag. In the Middle Ages, the flag of any kind, was very common in Europe. Soldiers of the Crusades, the religious wars have been carrying their flag. In war, the flag to show local commanders, he went to work. Some royal families and aristocratic family of the flag that had the mark, used to identify themselves. Probably the oldest national flag, the flag of Denmark. The flag consists of a white cross on a red background and the story is the legend, the history of the year is 1219. According to their legends, the first Danish flag was sent down from heaven on Earth. In 1219, the "second Valdmar" Danish conqueror, who called him, was caught in a terrible dilemma. In this situation, the Danish bishops were fighting with the army, gathered on the hill and prayed, and God took Astant. This time, the clouds suddenly moved and a large red cloth fell from the sky under a white cross that had been intended. Concrete sign from God that he showed for will be merciful and benevolent. National flag of Denmark, including the red rectangle is a white cross on the package is the flag of Denmark and other countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland had many similarities and have been a flag.

    Since culture is the most fundamental issue and the government is too powerful institution in society, hence the size of government can have a significant impact on public culture.

    Size of government in different countries, one of the most important characteristic of governance in each country. Increase government spending because it increases the country's sovereignty is considered to be undesirable. Accordingly, we proceed to the downsizing of government, to reduce the costs of the government has taken measures to integrate the various ministries noted.

    The main indicators in explaining the large size of the machine bureaucracy, government spending and resources accumulated in the hands of government. Size and big government in the form of direct or indirect control of a majority government and the private sector and unable to shorten its parts. The weakening of democratic institutions and the governments are in power. Volume changes in the industrial countries as a share has been reversed. 20 to 12% in the early half of the GOP in recent decades. Governments often try to adjust economic policy to privatize its small flow of money and the economy moves Qrvt in body or in other words, the largest buyer and the largest dealer not. The countries that currently have higher rates of economic growth are often smaller than in the less developed countries, most governments and the majority are large. There's many ways to calculate the size of most of these methods share the costs of administration, or GDP is the total cost.

    The massive impact on the issue of culture is often seen as experts and scholars have remained hidden. Since most of the economy during the massive build up in your hands so the economy's thirst for blood culture is not blown. Other state governments to the wealth of culture in order to increase their power to be allocated. This is often reinforced by popular culture and culture is fine to interlunar. The rich culture of the peoples will and authority clearly oriented to the massive challenges. But popular culture and the entertainment was the kind of stupefaction and ignorance among the people of the state government provides.

    Data encryption (infography) The following information is based on the method of measuring costs and exponentially non-linear way, has tried to categorize the largest and smallest states. So that the data recorder also comes from the small island is mostly owned by small states or countries. Also noteworthy, is the large volume of government in the South Asian region.

    Begum Nusrat Bhutto was an Iranian-Pakistani who was the former First Lady of Pakistan and widow of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. She became her husband's successor as the chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) from 1979 to 1983. She was also the mother of the late PPP chairman and the first and only female Pakistani Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto. She died on October 23, 2011.

    Nusrat Ispahnie was born in 1929 in Esfahan, Iran, hailing from the wealthy Hariri Esfahani family in Esfahan. Nusrat Bhutto was said to be of Kurdish descent. However, there are some claims that despite the fact that her family originates from the Kurdistan province in Iran the Kurdish connection only comes from her grandmother who had married into the Hariri family. Her father was a wealthy Iranian businessman who settled in Karachi, Pakistan. Nusrat met Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in Karachi where they got married on September 8, 1951. She was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's second wife, and they had four children together: Shahnawaz, Sanam, Murtaza and Benazir. Except Sanam, she outlived her three other children. Benazir's widow and Nusrat's son-in-law Asif Ali Zardari is currently serving as the President of Pakistan.

    As first lady from 1973–77, she functioned as a political hostess and accompanied her husband on a number of overseas visits. In 1979, after the trial and execution of her husband, she succeeded her husband as leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party as chairman for life. In 1982, ill with cancer, she was given permission to leave the country by the military government of General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq for medical treatment in London at which point her daughter, Benazir Bhutto, became acting leader of the party, and, by 1984, the party chairman.

    After returning to Pakistan in the late 1980s, she served several terms as a Member of Parliament to the National Assembly from the family constituency of Larkana, Sindh.

    During the administrations of her daughter Benazir, she became a cabinet minister and Deputy Prime Minister. In the 1990s, she and Benazir became estranged when Nusrat took the side of her son Murtaza during a family dispute, but later reconciled after Murtaza's murder. She lived the last few years of her life with her daughter's family in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and suffered from the combined effects of a stroke and Alzheimer's disease. Source: wikipedia

    She Died in the evening of 23rd October 2011

    Begum Nusrat Bhutto has died

    Posted by Unknown Sunday, October 23, 2011 0 comments

    Pakistan's former first lady
    Zualfqar Ali Bhutto, former prime minister's wife
    Mother of former Prime Minister Benazir
    And current President Asif Ali Zardari's mother Begum Nusrat Bhutto in Dubai today has died.

    انا اللہ و انا الیہ راجعون

    She was sick a long time, The Iranian-born Begum Nusrat Bhutto, who was born in 1929 in the Iranian city Ispahan.
    They married in 1951, former Prime Minister Ali Bhutto was zualfqar.
    He had been suffering from cancer and the disease was based in Dubai.
    President Asif Ali Zardari left immediately dubai from Jordan.
    Begum Nusrat Bhutto's body will be brought in Pakistan today
    He will be buried in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh.

    Achpy participate in GITEX 2011 exhibition, a new printer that can display three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional images to identify and deliver them to the Internet.

    this printer is the professional TopShot LaserJet Pro 200 M275nw and while it has many features, can directly be connected to the Internet without a PC.
    The printer will enter the market in February 2012. Marketing Manager Imaging and Printing Group Achpy companies in the Middle East, Europe and Africa, it's explained: "These days we speak of innovation to the traces of this product is the world of printers. The printer can detect three-dimensional objects, and data obtained directly from the Internet to transmit. Accordingly, we do not need to work with the printer to the PC."

    This feature will mean that for example if a user wants to publish images on the Internet is an object, rather than the object file and then upload it to the Internet to transmit can be made This image is transmitted directly to the Cloud.
    This printer has a touch screen that makes it easy for the user to control the internal parts. Other features of this tool can be noted that the Wi-Fi Direct wireless connectivity between electronic devices and provides printer and permanently delete the personal computer.

    The camera lens and the imaging sensor (the sensor for each lens) to make three-dimensional images of the human eye if it gets saved.

    Films recorded by the camera are visible on all three-dimensional television and video can be stored on a DVD-R or Blu-ray Disc players and the next play. GS-TD1 Jyvysy camera sensor has two 32 / 3 type CMOS megapixel camera and a high speed image processing engine which is developed by Jay PVC. The two engines left and right images with full HD 1080 × 1920 dpi resolution processes.

    The three-dimensional camera lenses F1.2 G PVC twin HD GT model uses. The glass lens is equipped with a small amount of scattered light to deliver. This camera is also equipped with a CMOS sensor of the Back-illuminated, 64 GB internal memory, memory card slots, SDXC, 5x optical zoom, touch screen, 5 / 3 inch and 3-dimensional. Equipped with 64 GB of flash memory, slots memory cards SDXC, 5x optical zoom and three dimensions and features of this camera.

    This camera cost about a million dollars and 470 is supplied to the domestic market.

    The launch of a video game on illegal immigration to America

    Posted by Unknown Saturday, October 22, 2011 0 comments

    U.S. company has launched a video game based on the comic brought immigrants do not have official documents and bringing them across the borders of the United States illegally.

    Company «Apple», for its part refused to sell the game in a package of applications with «iPhone» and «iPod» and «iPad», but it is available for PC applications and devices «Mac». And a description of the game «a Smajl Truc» or truck smuggling, says the company «Olkima Labs» taken from the Boston-based, it should be on the players «keep» on their passengers to «smuggled in less time as possible». The FAQ says: «deviated car .. Keep young children .. Isaac «Animals» Armored «American» Make your way through the hills and caves, deserts and forests to protect the lives of Rcabac ». Says Alex Schwartz, the founder and developer «Olkima Labs», it is for reasons of contract, he could not discuss the reasons for refusal «Apple» annexation of the game to package a game, available via «Apple Store e», but the shop «Apple» Buy a copy similar to the game's controversial, called «Snagel Truk» and that «replaced by immigrants from different cultures pets» according to a statement released by the company. The description says this diluted version of the game, the players «attending the animals from the wild to live in the care of the zoo, providing them food and water in large quantities in addition to modern health care».

    Download Hide IP Easy

    Posted by Unknown Friday, October 21, 2011 0 comments

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    Posted by Unknown Thursday, October 20, 2011 0 comments

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    Video editor to create a video on the Internet! This is the application of desktop video editing, which includes all the functions that may need to edit the video. Specific feature of this product is the ability to generate code for the output video on the Internet, and create video on the Internet to the fullest extent. And could be of importance for users who want to create a video gallery on a site, extract frames from video and create graphic gallery, create YouTube Video! It forms of video editing which includes all the options for video editing, such as: extracting scenes, split video into several clips, creating Thumbnails for each clip, applying watermarks and filters for image correction and lots of other useful options. It also generates code that can be used to produce the video in the Internet. You can download the produce video files to an FTP server for you! It can be used to create lists of the screen - Extract frames from video clips, which are saved in a single image with metadata, such as file name, file size, duration, etc..
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    Former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi rulers claim to be seriously injured in arrest after news of his death is coming.

    Moammar Gadhafi claimed that the city considered the stronghold of supporters at the National Transitional Council of Surat has emerged after the occupation of the fighters.

    National Transitional Council, a pro fighter, told the BBC that Gaddafi caught hiding in a fabricated. He showed her a gold pistol he had seized from Colonel Gaddafi. He claimed that Gaddafi request were not shooting to kill.

    The former ruling National Transitional Council in Libya Gaddafi seized on the ground after the city's claim to have arrested.

    Libya's Gaddafi to report to be aired on TV were injured and had wounds on their feet. State TV said Gaddafi was taken into an ambulance.

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    Recent visitors at the IEEE / RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in San Francisco an opportunity to check and see that they provide a kind of cartoonish robot from local companies Meka Robotics, and most people seem able to to get. The robot has a beautiful face.

    Picture of a close look at him like a man. This robot Drymr (Dreamer robot) and the robot by Sentis Lewis and colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin is Asakhth.

    The robot runs at Willow Garage's ROS and include a combination of several different components, including Meka's S2 Humanoid Head home to the eyes and sensitive ears, is known. High resolution FireWire cameras His Web site is correct and can move his head during a seven-axis.

    Pictures of anime girls, inspired by his head and his ear is like a puppy. The arm has seven degrees of freedom compatible with the A2 and control is the driving force. This can yield a bit to respond to touch or pressure.

    The robot can be used in everyday life.

    It is interesting that instead of viewing with style Japanese robot, the robot will see that no American has the mouth of a cartoon character Hello Kitty is the robot.

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