Dreamer robot eye to Friends

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Recent visitors at the IEEE / RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in San Francisco an opportunity to check and see that they provide a kind of cartoonish robot from local companies Meka Robotics, and most people seem able to to get. The robot has a beautiful face.

Picture of a close look at him like a man. This robot Drymr (Dreamer robot) and the robot by Sentis Lewis and colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin is Asakhth.

The robot runs at Willow Garage's ROS and include a combination of several different components, including Meka's S2 Humanoid Head home to the eyes and sensitive ears, is known. High resolution FireWire cameras His Web site is correct and can move his head during a seven-axis.

Pictures of anime girls, inspired by his head and his ear is like a puppy. The arm has seven degrees of freedom compatible with the A2 and control is the driving force. This can yield a bit to respond to touch or pressure.

The robot can be used in everyday life.

It is interesting that instead of viewing with style Japanese robot, the robot will see that no American has the mouth of a cartoon character Hello Kitty is the robot.


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