Download applications at more than one million Sky GO

Posted by Unknown Sunday, October 09, 2011

sky Go has announced that application sky has been downloaded over 1 million times. This application has been launched in July this year.

Accounts for 85 percent of all traffic, live streaming of the remaining 15% is related to programming.

APP is the most watched television channel Sky Sports by users, the Sky News and Sky Sports 2. In the next rankings are.

Yes Sky Go application on devices such as iPhone and iPad and services that are free for subscribers to the sky, it will be possible.

recently announced that the sky is easier to access for customers of the service will use Cloud.

Holly Knill, said:
If the number of consumers are increasingly viewing TV on GO Byshtrshvnd Vanha to become more familiar, we know that they have the best experience in TV viewing.

He further says;
"The integration sky Go with Cloud to customers, allowing it to enjoy the free access via wireless hotspots throughout Great Britain and Republic of Ireland, so they can stream high definition content from programs outside the home their own.

For more information and application Sky Go to this site to authorities.


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