800 million people are members of Facebook

Posted by Unknown Thursday, October 06, 2011

Facebook officials of the 22 September - 31 September at its annual conference, f8, America was in the city of San Francisco, announced the number of Facebook users has exceeded 800 million.

This statistic is based on the number of users in the last month have been entered into your account on Facebook. Based on these statistics over the past 3 months, 50 million new users are attracted to the social network, because in July this year, according to recent statistics, Facebook users had announced its 750 million people.

Join 50 million users in over 3 months, Facebook's success in attracting new users to the network's management team, also has another meaning; during this period, plus Google, managed to attract about 25 million users and this means that fees Facebook is still in its nascent competitor words to say.

Zakrbrg Mark, CEO of Facebook's f8 conference that recently took place for Facebook and it's important that over the last few days, some 500 million Facebook users have to enter this site and these statistics in a day a great success for this network is considered.


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