Top ten Air Forces in the World

Posted by Unknown Sunday, August 28, 2011

Top ten air forces in the world, Pakistan at # 5

I wish this is true but it seems the video is made by an amateur. One of the flags' image in the video still shows iStockphoto water mark, meaning the image was downloaded from iStockphoto web site without paying the price of the image.

Nonetheless, I believe Pakistan Air Force was and still one of the best. However, a serious strategic review of its capabilities is overdue.

Due to recent advancement in Aerospace technology, PAF's capabilities are severely affected. Today, we do not have any aircraft that can intercept a 5th generation aircraft like a US Stealth, F-22 Raptor or even a Sukhoi SU-32.

If any of these aircrafts enter Pakistani air space, the only thing PAF can do is to wait till it comes to a lower altitude where an F-16 can intercept it.

Furthermore, Pakistan has been putting a lot of efforts on building surface-to-surface missiles. But one key component that our military planners have been consistently ignoring is the need for a credible surface-to-air missile program that can intercept a 5th generation aircraft or a low-speed cruise missile.

US, Israel and Russia are working on building a missile defense system and as soon as India acquires such a system, our missile capability will be almost neutralized. This is a serious gap in Pakistan's defense strategy that our political and military leadership is consistently ignoring.

On the military survielance side, we lack even more. US, Russian, Israeli and Indian satellites are constantly watching us from their geo-stationary satellites. Whereas we do not have any such capability to launch our own spy satellites to spy on our enemies.

And last but not least, our radars proved completely ineffective in detecting low flying stealth objects as we have seen during Abbbotabad attack. This leave us vulnerable for any such attack in future from the eastern or western side.


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