Drone Attacks: Tyranny of Flying Terror

Posted by Unknown Saturday, August 13, 2011

(The acquiescence of Zardari-Geelani Administration to US drone attacks is violation of International & Pakistan’s Law. Would the Supreme Court of Pakistan take notice of the wanton murders carried out by the USA on Pakistan’s soil? Who else should we seek redress from? Usman Khalid, Secretary General Rifah Party of Pakistan)

The CIA resumed the drone attacks against FATA during the holy month of Ramadan even as people are fasting and facing immense economic, social and security difficulties. Hundreds of thousand of the civilians have been compelled to leave their homes because of twin terror: the terror of TTP on one side, and the terror of CIA drones on the other. Yet, the morally bankrupt Obama administration insists on using brutal and massive force against unarmed and hapless civilians in gross violation of international law and in flagrant breach of basic human rights.

The Obama administration claims that, no civilian was targeted during the drone attacks in Pakistan in 11 months, despite 116 attacks that have killed 740 people. The figures speak for themselves. According to the administration, the drones are hunting 100 remnants of Al-Qaeda and Taliban. Who are, then, the 640 additional people killed?

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has just published a detailed report that challenged the CIA’s claims. The report listed the names of hundreds civilians including women and children who were brutally killed by the CIA’s drones.

Killing civilians with Helfire missiles is the worst form of state terrorism. The drones have become absolute terror to the people. They instill fear and terrorize the civilians in total abuse of international law and UN Charter. Killing defenseless people and assassinating individuals randomly is the worst kind of terror.

Fearing human losses, the US military introduced the drones in Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2002) and Pakistan (2004). The British followed by introducing drone in Afghanistan (2007), and the Israelis introduced drones in Gaza, occupied Palestine (2008). It is estimated that drones are being used or developed by over 40 countries. The United States and Israel who accuse other nations of involvement in terrorism produce the majority of armed drones.

Recent media reports reveal that the US established new drones bases in Qatar, Bahrain and Yemen. These locations provide safe routes for US drones to attack targets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and soon Iran.

Increasingly, the US military and CIA are using drones controlled via satellite communication to launch missiles and bombs on population centers indiscriminately, often at distances of many thousands of miles.

Barak Obama should surrender his Nobel Prize for peace, since he is acting as a warmonger. His black terror has indeed blackened the White House. By Dr Jassim Taqui in Pakistan Observer


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