Japan's nuclear power industry off against the plan

Posted by Unknown Sunday, July 24, 2011

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan announced that the state will go "out of nuclear power plants" of the road policy, the Japanese nuclear power companies feel a disaster. Japan Federation of Economic Organizations objected to this, economy minister also believes that this approach impractical, detrimental to the development of nuclear technology in Japan.
The first nuclear power plant in Fukushima nuclear accident occurred, Japan's energy policy issues become a topic of discussion. At present, Japan's nuclear power generation accounted for the country's total generating capacity of about 35%, but the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima and Shizuoka Prefecture Bang Gang nuclear power plant stopped operating after the Kanto region and central region, and metropolitan area's power supply becomes very nervous. Severe power shortages are causing panic in Japanese companies, but also to accelerate the shift to overseas companies, resulting in a greater hollowing out of Japanese industry.
Japan is a lack of national energy and resources, the development of nuclear power has been 40 years of history, in addition to the core leaks caused by the earthquake, the Japanese nuclear power plant is basically there has not been a serious nuclear accident. So, all along, "the development of nuclear power" is the founding of the Japanese. However, although the nuclear accident has great natural disasters of factors, but the resulting damage and social and public, and the credibility of the national economy and heavy losses, but also the Japanese a taste of bitterness. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has put forward "from the nuclear power plant," the idea.

 Nuclear accident occurred before the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima

National energy policy for this 180-degree turn, bear the brunt of Japan's major power companies, followed by Japan's nuclear power equipment manufacturing company. Power companies shut down nuclear power plants, not only requires a lot of cost inputs, while the development of new energy and requires a lot of money, so the power structure of the fundamental transformation, in essence, there is a big problem, and there are many uncertainties . As the world's third largest nuclear power countries, Toshiba and a number of nuclear power equipment manufacturers not only face the industry was forced to give up, even more worrying is that the Japanese nuclear power technology and equipment exports also suffered a heavy blow to the dream. For Japanese companies in general, because the state can not provide a precise energy assurance program, "The Great Escape abroad" or will be the only way out. Japan Federation of Economic Organizations objected to this, and openly accused the Prime Minister Naoto Kan is an irresponsible person.
Responsible for the nuclear power industry of Japan's trade minister sea Eda Miles 21 in the Senate Budget Committee's reply pointed out that if the government take the "de-nuclear power" line, then the Japanese heritage of decades of nuclear power technology will be cut off, Japan will also industry and bring significant economic losses. He believes that Japan's situation, how to improve the safety of nuclear power is the key, not an accident would "exterminate" nuclear power plant.
According to the Ministry of Economy estimates, Japan is currently operating 17 nuclear reactors to stop all operations for three months, it will cause 50 million people are unemployed. (google translate)


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