Global Smurfs Day

Posted by Unknown Sunday, June 26, 2011

If you thought you saw a handful of giant Smurfs wandering around today, then don't worry - you weren't hallucinating.

More than 4,000 people across the world embraced blue face paint and turned themselves into the Belgian cartoon characters in honour of Global Smurfs Day.

Hundreds gathered at South Street Seaport in New York as they joined dedicated fans in ten other cities to smash the world record for the biggest gathering of Smurfs in 24 hours.

Dedicated fans: Hundreds of people gather at South Street Seaport in New York to celebrate Global Smurfs Day

Praying their face paint wouldn't melt as temperatures soared, the New Yorkers sported blue t-shirts, white hats and white trousers and gathered down by the water from 10am today.

They were joined by fans in every corner of the globe, including South Africa, Panama, Mexico and Russia.

This afternoon Guinness adjudicators officially confirmed the record for the 'largest gathering of people dressed as Smurfs within a 24-hour period in multiple venues' had been broken.

A total of 4,891 people took up the challenge in 11 cities, including London, Moscow and Mexico City, smashing the previous record of 2,510.

A vision in blue: Hundreds of fans pray their face paint won't melt as they gather at South Street Seaport in New York for Global Smurfs Day to celebrate what would have been the 83rd birthday of the cartoon's creator

Mummy, why is everyone blue? A Mexican Smurfette, left, carries her son and right, a Emer McCrum dresses up as the blonde character in Dublin, Ireland, where 428 people turned themselves into the cartoon characters

Will you be my Smurfette? A Mexican couple get into the Smurf spirit at the Azteca Stadium in Mexico City

The event was arranged by Sony to publicise its new movie The Smurfs, released on Friday. It was timed to celebrate what would have been 83rd birthday of Peyo, the cartoon's Belgian creator.

The film features the diminutive, blue-hued animated characters attempting to return to their village after finding themselves in New York's Central Park.

In London giant-sized Smurfs gathered at the O2 arena, and in Ireland, 428 fans flocked to Dublin - making it the city with the most Smurfs.

Marc Weinstock, president of Sony Pictures Entertainment marketing, said: 'It's a thrill to see so many people turn out to be a part of this true fan moment in Smurfs history.

Record-breakers: Dublin, Ireland, managed the most Smurfs, with 428 fans in full blue regalia

Patriotic Smurfs: Fans wave Union Jacks as they gather at the O2 Centre in London, England

Birthplace: Hundreds of blue-painted fans gather in Brussels, Belgium - home of the Smurfs

'Breaking a Guinness World Record on Global Smurfs Day is a testament to the enormous appeal and popularity of these beloved characters.'

Last week the village of Juzcar, in Andalucia, went even further - and turned itself Smurf-coloured.

Its houses are traditionally white-washed, but in honour of the pint-sized characters residents painted every single wall a bright shade of blue. By Fiona Roberts


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