As was feared that this childish act by Indians of hacking Pakistani websites, is actually an open invitation to Pakistani hackers to deface Indian sites.
The latest development is that in response of Karachi Press Club website hack (, Pakistanis have again warned Indians and as a warning just defaced website of Press Club of India.
The link is bellow you all can see.
and a message in controlled tone as bellow

# By KhantastiC HaXor
Are you Hacked ? Yesh ! You have been Hacked !!!, not because of your stupidity ... That's because SOme Indian Gays Hacked 0ur Karachi Press Club site So jus Here t0 warn you ,That you have beeen pwnd by Pakistani haCker ......This was not a joke or dream, this is fucking reality", kids, This is Now a Just Warning, Of what I have Not Done Yet. I have Not Damaged anything, will not Leak any Info and Also not Misuse It. I Mean No Harm, Unless you Indian Gays St0p hackinG Pakistani sites, I'll simply State that, You ll nevr ever Able t0 Handle 0r stop Us ....
D0nt mess Again wid Pakistani Sites 0therwise U gays better Kn0w Uss !...
at last Gay hind ! 

" Jus a Security Reminder" !!!
Greets t0 : Muslim Leets!
Pakht00nistaN - -Pakistan-

1 Responses to Press Club of India website hacked in retaliation for hacking Karachi Press Club website

  1. maleeha khan Says:
  2. wow....!!! superb.... jeo Pakistanio.... !!!!


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