Obama: my predictions are true

Posted by Unknown Friday, May 20, 2011

The Heart of Obama at Cairo Speech


I am born of your sperm,

I know the depth of your mind;

I have your blood in my veins,

What lies inside you, I can find.

I was your breed, I know your instinct,

On earth, you are the most gullible race;

The praise of your faith gives you joy,

Quotes from Qur’an glorify your face.

Bush had a suspicious and dubious trait,

He was a zealous fool ; aroused your hate;

His color was a mirror to his darkest heart,

I have a perfect match, I thank my fate.

Many a time , I pondered, why he failed,

I will surpass him, and attain our goal;

I will vanquish you , but will always tell,

In this world , you have a historic role.

I am getting you slain through my slaves,

That I have bought from amongst you;

They are faithfully doing what I wish,

You all are applauding me, barring a few.

Our Israel will continue on the usurped soil,

The Palestinians must not dream to be free;

Afghanistan and Iraq now belong to us ,

Our drones will keep their killing spree.

With the hysteria of terror and global threat,

In your lands, our forces will always remain;

I will pick up more spots to foment unrest,

Till you dispel your dignity from your brain.


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