Lahore: Trade Unions united for a Dharna

Posted by Unknown Thursday, May 19, 2011

Over 24 trade unions and social and political organisations have issued a call for a rally and Dharna (sit in ) on 24th May in Lahore to demand a 100 percent wage increase and a minimum wage of Rupees 15000.

The 24 members organizing committee elected earlier in a meeting of over 60 trade unions activists, met in Lahore yesterday at Labour Party Pakistan office to chart out details of the rally and Dharna. They have formed two more sub committees to bring more trade unions into this united front and to do more community based public announcements of the rally.

The unions united under Labour Party Pakistan banner will gather at GPO Chouck Mall Road Lahore and the rally will move to Charing Cross for a indefinite sit in.

Yesterday, one more important union have joined this initiative. They are Jang Workers Union CBA. After 28 years of consistent struggle, the old bureaucratic trade union is been defeated by group led by young workers of Daily Jang Lahore. The union have decided to join National Trade Union federation as well. The president and secretary of the Jang Workers Union attended the meeting yesterday and declared their full support for the rally and Dharna.

On Sunday, a press conference attended by over 50 trade unions activists was well covered by the English and Urdu media. the journalists present at the conference told Farooq Tariq spokes person Labour Party Pakistan that they will join the rally and Dharna as well.

Those trade unions who have joined together include
  • All Pakistan Para Medical Staff Federation
  • National Organization of Postal Employees (NOPE)
  • Pakistan Tele Communication Mutihida Workers Alliance
  • Railway Workers Union CBA Workshops division
  • Habib Bank Workers Action Committee
  • National Students Federation
  • Pakistan Workers Welfare Academic Staff Association
  • Lahore Gymkhana Staff Welfare Union
  • Ittehad Labour Union Carpet Industry Pakistan
  • New Khan Metro Bus Service Labour and Staff Haqooq Union
  • Adam Sugar Mills Employees Union Chishtian
  • Rustam Sahrab Cycle and Motor Cycle Factory Workers Union CBA
  • Pakistan Bhatta Mazdoor Union
  • Progressive Youth Front
  • Women Workers Help Line
  • Revolutionary Socialist Movement
  • National Trade Union Federation
  • Labour Education Foundation
  • People Care Foundation
  • Sweeper Union City District Government Lahore
  • Jang Workers Union CBA
  • All Pakistan Clerical Staff Association APCA

The organizing committee decided to contact other unions for their participation. by: Rana Mohammed Aslam


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