Kashmir Labour Party to take part in Kashmir general elections

Posted by Unknown Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kashmir Labour Party to take part in Kashmir general elections Four candidates will contest on KLP nominations

Labour Party Pakistan sister organization in Pakistan occupied Kashmir, the Kashmir Labour Party (KLP) will contest the general election of Azad Jammu Kashmir Legislative Assembly to be held on 26 June 2011. Azad Jammu Kashmir Assembly is a semi autonomous body working under control Government of Pakistan. The 48 members’ assembly has a power to elect its own Prime Minister and President; however, the Pakistan Federal Ministry of Kashmir Affairs has real power to run the government.

Despite this fact that Azad Kashmir called an independent part of Indian occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir but the real situation is totally different, the area is totally under control of State of Pakistan and its intelligence agencies.

The 48 members AJK Assembly members are not elected directly from the local area of Kashmir, 12 members of the assembly are elected from different parts of Pakistan and these seats are called the immigrant Kashmiri seats. These immigrant Kashmiri seats are mainly under the control of intelligence agencies and these 12 seats play a decisive role to elect the Prime Minster and President of AJK.

In these circumstances when politics is just become a slave of specific class/people in the society, Labour Party Pakistan decided not to be silent spectator of the situation and will not let the rulers to bulldoze the fundamental economic, political and social rights of Kashmiri People.

LPP decided to support and strengthen its sister organization Kashmir Labour Party (KLP) with the spirit of internationalism. Labour Party Pakistan always supported the right of self determination Kashmir’s as an independent nation and national state.

The foundation of Kashmir Labour Party is reflection of LPP ideological stand on issue of national question. We stand for the right of self determination of Kashmiri people and for an independent Kashmir, free both from Pakistan and Indian rulings class. That is why KLP is an independent body and not a wing of LPP in Kashmir.

Kashmir Labour Party is a registered political party in Azad Kashmir and it contested the last general elections in 2006 from one constituency of AJK Assembly and got around 2.5 % vote, Now after five years of pain staking slowly building the party, we are putting up four candidates. They are
  1. Raja Muhmmad Sarfraz Khan (Advocate) from LA 20 Poonch 4
  2. Raja Mohammad Bashrat Khan (Advocate) from LA-14 Bagh 2
  3. Choudhry Mohd Mumtaz Ahmed (Advocate) from LA-15 Bagh 3
  4. Nisar Shah (Advocate) from LA -35 Jammu 6

All candidates of Kashmir Labour Party are young and energetic under 40 just in the start of their political carrier and vowed to promote the progressive, democratic political thinking and culture in the region. In a region, where there a strong hold of religious fundamentalism and involvement of intelligence agencies, the KLP will campaign on a Socialist programme. Our main strategy during the election campaign will be to expose the menace of religious fundamentalism.

We would like all our supporters to contact us to help build our candidates campaign in Kashmir elections. A decent vote for KLP will lay down the basis for a stronger Socialist movement in Kashmir that can fight for national liberation and against the religious fanatics. By Nisar Shah, General Secretary Labour Party Pakistan


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