Aman Ambulance - Service of Aman Foundation

Posted by Unknown Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Aman Trust (AT) is a social sector enterprise that aims to champion dignity and choice for the underserved throughout the MENASA region. It has been involved in philanthropic giving for many years (primarily in Pakistan, India, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt and the UAE). It has operated largely outside the public purview due to the privacy needs of its sponsor trustees (namely Arif Naqvi and his family) but institutional capacity building and example-setting has dictated that AT is now visible. The sponsor trustees believe that wealth largely needs to be distributed within (and out of) each generation and must reach the ecosystem that has benefitted them. AT fulfils their quest for making this philanthropy both strategic and institutional and leading the way for others to achieve similar objectives. For the Pakistan component of its work, AT has seeded the Aman Foundation (Aman) with USD 100 million to help achieve this mission through the relentless pursuit of sustainable, scalable and systemic development in the areas of Health, Education and Capacity Building within Pakistan as the three pillars of its “business” strategy, whilst promoting female empowerment. The word “business” is used deliberately, since Aman is run as a private sector entity with accountability and transparencies (though no external funds are solicited) and clear KPI’s for its operational teams.

Since its inception in 2008, Aman has made appreciable strides in the healthcare sector as its’ first priority. Food security and nutrition is core to the development of any society without which targets in health and education cannot be met. Recognising this, Aman started a pilot project of providing hygienic and nutritionally balanced meals to 2,500 children per day in an economically deprived peri-urban community in Karachi. Its purpose was to improve health statistics amongst children while enhancing school enrolment and attendance on a measurable basis. Aman Ghar, as the programme is called serves as an operating model blue print for other socially responsible citizens and corporations to adopt in different localities, with a “franchisable” operating manual, model, systems and standards in place. <<via>>


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