On the other hand , Asia is at the historical moment of transforming the economic conditions of its people and playing a leadership role not only in global economy but also in the development of human civilization .
No matter , societies in Asia have rich cultural tradition of expressing unity through transcending the ego of creative growth through human solidarity and a harmony with nature . In bringing these aspects of their culture to bear in facing contemporary challenges , the people of Asia could bring a new consciousness and institutions to the global market mechanism. In doing so, definitely Asia can together take the 21st century world on to a new trajectory of sustainable development and above all human security ,hence it can be the Asian century that can enrich human civilization. All epochs of economic and cultural achievements are associated with a critique of the received wisdom and rediscovery of a universal humanity that lies at root of specific ideological and religious traditions , thus can bring end to Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan bedlams ,which are the major stumbling blocks for the progress and prosperity of Asia at present , as it faces the prospect of a leadership role.
Kashmir is generally used to denote the borders of the princely state of Kashmir which, since the partition of the Indian sub-continent, now spans three countries, India, Pakistan and China. Kashmir as a greater term comprises of several sub-regions, each with varying and different cultures.
Kashmir issue does not belong to a particular party but it is inclusive of all .
The heterogeneity of Kashmir , as a region has made its solution like a needle in the haystack. Send to Coventry will lead to escalation of hostility, its end product definitely will be a large scale disaster and destruction , therefore to come out of the present morass and mayhem, yes ; dialogue is the only way forward , therefore , India, Pakistan and the collective leadership of Kashmiris on either side of LoC must strive for opening up of all the channels of communication , which will keep every one pecker up and help in the just solution of 63-year old issue .
Asia, the most densely inhabited and largest continent of world , covering 8.62% of total earth’s surface and having 29.9% land—43,810,582 Sq. Kms— contributes 60% of the total world human population—4,373,716,244—2010 estimation. The unique feature of Asia is plurality of cultures , environments , historical ties and above all government systems , having 46 states .
By 2020 , the giant Asia could move to a higher level of economic development . As growth continues , however , it may become increasingly difficult to reach those , who remain excluded from its benefits .
Disparities could widen within and between developed , developing and under- developed countries , along with mounting costs, could begin to threaten sustainability of their development.
Yet , Asia cannot sustain by economic growth alone. Human life is threatened with the environmental crisis and conflict arising from culture of greed , from endemic poverty and egoistic projections of military supremacy , most importantly some countries in Asian continent have entered into the rat race of voracity to take control over the resources by expressing power paradigm. Still some major problems are looming in terms of Poverty, Malnutrition , poor access to Tertiary Education , HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis ,Environmental and Water Management ,as demand for Freshwater is soaring, the supply is becoming more uncertain , which is the biggest worry for Asian Countries . Presently, one out of six people—more than a billion—do not have adequate access to safe water . The United Nations projects that by 2025 , half of the countries world wide will face water stress and outright shortages . Henceforth, a rethought to Indus-Water treaty signed between India and Pakistan on 19th September 1960 with the active and sincere mediation of the World Bank (Erstwhile International Bank for Reconstruction and Development). But Indus Article XII does allow for modification of the treaty when agreed to by both parties,Thus supports for the participatory role for Kashmiris . Moreover, the long-term strategic framework will open new paths for Asia to exercise its strength and potential .
Water related problems are particularly acute in Asia . Although Asia has Freshwater—3,920 cubic meters per person per year— than any continent other than Antarctica . Therefore a massive awareness for importance of water as a means of security at multiple levels in Asia is required . Governments in Asia should ensure that water management organizations have direct communication with defence agencies and develop integrated water management and conflict prevention capacities.
The contradictory observation of different parties to a dispute gives origin to the contrary set of elucidations or solutions for which harmonized approach is to be developed. Jammu Kashmir for India is a symbol of secular identification and demonstrates the co-subsistence of a chiefly Muslim state within a Hindu majority country and for Pakistan it is a nationwide sentiment. In Kashmir the politicians and intellectuals have remained polarized since 1947 into Pro-Pak, Pro-India or Pro-independence. More often the politicians, thinkers and academicians have been unsuccessful to stand for local wishes, aspirations and desires. The provincial measures which have failed due to Indo-Pak stalemate like [ASEAN, SAARC, etc.]: would further go to build India, Pakistan, Kashmir even whole South Asia a new continent of peace and progress on the globe, when core issue is solved. If at all Kashmiris want to play a role in the crisis they need to comprehend the magnitude of bilateral and regional cooperation by promoting a viewpoint of dialogue, serenity and peace. The origin of Indo-Pak variance is Kashmir- thus solution to the sticky situation lies here(Kashmir) only.
Most importantly , Asian countries are now beginning to realize that by working together , they can speedup the process of development and thus more effectively combat poverty for which people-to- people(PtP) contact is the best opportunity for South Asians , because any society starts from an individual . will help in developing Asian Knowledge Bank for future , capable of interoperability and collaboration across the boundaries and disciplines ,underpinned by a commitment towards long-term services and open access and enabling for sustainable development to elevate Human Development Index (HDI) , rather a type of solid social capital.
Presently developing Asia is leading the world out of this global economic realignment , but the timely monetary and fiscal stimulus and with the growing concerns over the strength of the global economy , the sustainability of private domestic demand , and the challenges of managing capital inflows and exchange rates , the growth forecast for 2011 is maintained at 7.3% —lower than this year ,although still a healthy rate , but it does not mean that the problems related to human society have ended. There are new challenges for the people of this continent among them is poverty and low literacy rate .
Nowadays , the market is being apotheosized as the mythical space in which the individual can be free and yet provided with plenty by hidden hand of market , thus affecting the very basic norm and doctrine of human society , inherent to capitalist accumulation process , is the systematic inculcation of an insatiable desire to possess goods . The subliminal language of advertisement does not represent goods but rather fantasizes them such that they appear to us not in terms of their material attributes but magical receptacles of such qualities as beauty efficiency and power , thus the qualities , which we actually possess as human- being are transported into goods and the individual gets locked into an endless pursuit of acquisition , for that PtP is the best move to broaden the horizons of mental thinking of South Asians , which is the habitat for the major portion of population in giant Asia, wherein, Kashmir has pushed India and Pakistan to two conventional wars with the equal number of non-conventional ones along with high altitude war of Kargil in 1999. Nuclear warheads of India and Pakistan have posed a potential threat for whole of the Asia , for both Kashmir is the friction point .
Pakistan and even Kashmiri leadership have expressed flexibility in their approach rather pragmatically , since 1947-when two dominions of India and Pakistan came on the world map after the partition of British India-midnight hour of 14-15 August .
But the tragic part is that India has always been rigid to her stated position .
‘As stated positions do not any any solution to the conflict .’
Yes , People-to-people contact can de-escalate the tension between two nuclear states of South Asia—India and Pakistan .
Political settlement amongst the power brokers of India, Pakistan and Kashmir will collapse if it is not accompanied by a movement of faith-based end to disagreement among the people by :
- Restoring a condition in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups are present and tolerated within a society :
- Furthering Individual and accumulated absolution;
- Promoting social justice- which affords individuals and groups fair treatment and an impartial share of the benefits of society;
- Re-establishing a sense of community across boundaries rather a social group sharing an environment, normally with shared interests;
- Addressing the historical wounds associated with anxiety of culture , physical and mental trauma ;
- Inculcating a new basis for political order and civil society;
- Seeks to provide an alternative identity for Kashmiris by means of a larger geo-political order;
- De-escalation followed by significant development which may technically called (withdrawal of troops)
- Release of all political detainees in Kashmir
- Establishment of Independent and autonomous Commision , which will delve deeply killing and all sort of Human Rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir