Second IIRE Islamabad Global Justice School

Posted by Unknown Friday, February 11, 2011

The Second Global Justice School is continue in Islamabad, 15 Participent from Khayberpakhtoonkhaw are attending this school.

International Institute for Research and Education Islamabad (IIREI) is organisng three days Second Global Justice School for the education of political,trade union, peasant’s movement and human rights activists from Khyber pakhtoonkhaw.The three Days school will caver the following topics.

First Day
1. General introduction of Global Justice School and Movement.
2. How Capitalism work as an economic system? Capitalism on the stage of Imperialism and it impacts on globe.
3. What is Socialism? Socialism as an Alternative of capitalism, an historical overview.

Second Day:
1. Communist Manifesto and its relevance in current global scenario.
2. Food and Seed? Global agenda of MNC’S, TNC’S and response of working class.
3. Ecological challenges as peoples agenda?

Third Day:
1. Revolutionary Party? Role of Revolutionary parties in people’s resistance; an historical analysis.
2. Pakistan state crises, upraising of religious fundamentalism and challenges for working peoples.


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