Cancel the agreement with Turkish Airline, sack Capt. Haroon. PIA workers strike is to safe PIA from a total destruction Labour Party Pakistan to support the demands of PIA workers

Labour Party Pakistan has urged the government of Pakistan to accept immediately all the demands of striking PIA workers. LPP demanded that PIA administration should immediately announce the cancellation infamous agreement with Turkish airlines and sack Capt. Ejaz Haroon the anti worker Managing director of PIA.

In a joint press statement Labour Party Pakistan spokesperson Farooq Tariq and LPP Labour secretary Nasir Mansoor said that PIA affairs have been mishandled grossly and the PPP leadership is treating PIA as its own Jagir.

LPP condemned the PPP government to force the genuine PIA union leaders like Kamran Choudry to evacuate their union offices in favor of their handpicked leaders. LPP leaders said that Senator Faisal Raza Abidi is been given a task to clean PIA from genuine union leaders and install their own cronies. “This is total intervention by PPP in the affairs of the democratic life of a union. It has broken all previous norms and tradition of PPP” they added.

The strike on national level by PIA workers is a right answer to the attacks of PPP leadership to destroy PIA. The strike is to safe PIA from the corrupt practices of PPP leadership and its appointee Capt Haroon.

Labour Party Pakistan assures the office bearers of different PIA employees’ associations and unions including, PALPA, People’s Unity (CBA), PIASSA, SAEP, ATAP, FENA, Air League, United & PIACE, Joint Action Committee of PIA Employees (JACPIAE) that it will stand by the workers demands and PPP government will be forced to accept the demands.

The LPP leadership said that PIA MD failed to answer simple questions from the unions and associations in the meeting held at PIA head office on 27th January. He failed to satisfy the union representatives. They said this meeting was in violation of labour laws and PIA’s own practices where the employees are represented by the unions and associations for proper dissemination of their viewpoint without being afraid of losing jobs in case they wanted to oppose the management’s decision.

The LPP leaders said that Senator Faisal Reza Abidi has been making illegal interventions in the affair of the union in order to replace the democratically elected office bearer of the union instead of respecting the Fundamental Rights of Freedom of Association of the Workers enshrined under article 17 of Pakistan constitution. Despite a clear order by Lahore High Court directing the Senator not to interfere in any way in the affairs of the union, Faisal Reza Abidi has forcefully captured the union offices and record at Karachi and has been threatening the lawful office bearers of the union.

They said that the working class of Pakistan fully support the just struggle of the Peoples Unity of PIA Employees to get respected the fundamental rights of freedom of association.

The Labour party Pakistan leaders said that PIA has suffered a huge loss after Captain Ejaz Haroon took over as managing director of PIAC in 2008. The only qualification of Ejaz Haroon is that he is personal friend of President Zardari. The annual loss of PIA was at 32 Billion Rupees in 2008 and it has now reached to staggering 72 Billion Rupees a year.

They said that there are 23 captains of PIA doing the management duties in PIAC under this MD, and they fly only two hours in a month to claim 106 hours of flying apart from the normal wages. A normal captain in PIA can claim only 70 hours at the most despite flying a full month apart from the wages. Most of the friends of Captain Ejaz Haroon in PIA are doing the administrative duties at the top of the management to earn a massive amount.

LPP warned PPP government not to use force to suppress the PIA workers movement and demanded that all the grievances of PIA workers must be addressed positively to safe PIA from total destruction.


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