Mubarak's Personal Fortune Estimated at $40-$70 Billion

After looting the country for three decades, this tyrant has amassed $40 to $70 billion, plus dealerships, restaurants, and properties in foreign countries.

Let's Go Exile! - Hosni Mubarak
The Daily show telling Mubarak his exile options.

Egypt: Christians Protect Muslims as they Pray
In contradinction to the vapid antagonizers who wish to see a religious war between Muslims and Christians. Christian Egyptians protect Muslim Egyptians as they do their prayer. So, I guess Mubarak and his thugs must be atheists or hypocrites (pretending to be Muslims) if they are attacking Muslims during Salah.

Making fun of Mubarak and the western media (for making the attacks on themselves bigger than the plight of the people there).


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