Michelle Obama's Anti Obesity Campaign Under Attack

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Michelle Obama portrayed as overweight hamburger-munching glutton in cartoon attacking her obesity campaign - By John McDonnell
  • Attack comes as she also steps up breastfeeding campaign
Michelle Obama has fallen foul of the most vicious slight yet with her portrayed as an overweight, hamburger-munching glutton in a very personal cartoon attack.

The offensive caricature, which was posted on Biggovernment.com, is a dig at the U.S. First Lady's obesity campaign, which celebrated its one-year anniversary last week.

It comes as Barack Obama's wife pushes her campaign to improve workplace rules for breastfeeding to reduce the number of overweight children.

Gross injustice: First Lady Michelle Obama is depicted as an overweight glutton in this cartoon posted on a right-wing website

Conservatives have hit out at the campaign by Mrs Obama, for suggesting it is not her place to tell Americans what they can and cannot eat.

Healthy attitude: U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama delivers a speech in Alpharetta, Georgia, last Wednesday on the first anniversary of Lets Move!, a campaign to combat childhood obesity

Mrs Obama began her Let's Move! initiative - which is dedicated to improving the disastrous U.S. childhood obesity rates within a generation - last year.

'I am determined to work with folks across this country to change the way a generation of kids thinks about food nutrition and physical activity,' she said at the time.


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