The Media wants us numb

Posted by Unknown Saturday, February 19, 2011

The media wants to turn us into mere spectators of the world, instead of participants. We are spectators of the lives of fictional characters created ad hoc, and then imposed on us like stereotypical models to be followed by subtracting us the possibility to reflect and form your own opinion. Hypnosis isn't just sitting on the couch and listen to the mesmerizing words, those who make a spectacle, seeking to mislead the public to do stupid silly things, are the true hypnotists. But we don't realize the fact that we are hypnotized and skillfully encouraged by the media, things to do and think imbeciles every day of our lives. They're true manipulators of the collective mind. Our life is conditioned by the models and scholars that the TV in the bribe. Informs us about what should be beautiful or ugly, what is success and what should not be, what's fashion and even who the next "divo-fri simbol" of the moment. All studied and programmed to measure, to launch a new Brad Pitt either. Thus, whatever the new movie or soap opera idiot who looks like a cinema film, will have guaranteed success. The media's role is to do a mass hypnosis, creating a unique model of thought as the tabloid newspapers, so that the messages passed are accepted by the herd of goats. Beeeeh! Beeeeeh! As stated by D. Icke, many people think and act like a tabloid newspaper. Left-turn into newspapers in tabloid newspapers, tabloid-minded. Read a newspaper typical of these and then go into a bar for a coffee, you will notice that the thought patterns of the newspaper and the people are very approximate. And if the messages come to us from sources seemingly disconnected ones from each other, ah ...! then it is really true because "everyone is saying!" We want to choose our own models, whatever it was beauty, ability, talent, art, political and social doctrine ... and not let any one think that for us. We must not allow our mind to reject close to the point of discussing any point, even the most superficial, or expressing rigmarole and hasty judgments to the interest of some. Let us always remember that the media we have today reflects the thoughts of our models, we were creating it with our submission and acceptance. The media will never change if first we change ourselves and if we decide not to take dominion of our own mind!


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