Kim Jong Il's Loving Son?

Posted by Unknown Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kim Jong-Il's son skips father's birthday go to Eric Clapton gig - By Daily Mail Reporter

While North Koreans celebrate the birthday of their leader Kim Jong-Il, one of his sons has apparently been indulging his music tastes at an Eric Clapton concert in Singapore.

Kim-Jong Chol, the second son of the North Korean president, was apparently caught on camera by the Korean Broadcasting System entering the concert, which took place on Monday.

Other footage saw the 30-year-old - dressed in black T-shirt and trousers - cheering and swaying along with the audience at the show, which took place at Singapore's Indoor Stadium.

Son of the Dear Leader? Korean TV pictured this man, believed to be Kim-Jong Chol, at an Eric Clapton concert in Singapore

Enjoying the show: Kim-Jong Chol, pictured in the crowd at the concert, is a big Eric Clapton fan who previously saw him live in Germany

It is the second time that Jong-Chul has reportedly been seen at an Eric Clapton concert.

He previously saw the British singer and guitarist perform in Germany in 2006, and is said to have invited Clapton to perform in the North Korean capital Pyongyang.

Jong-chul was an early favourite to succeed his father but has since lost out to his younger sibling.

Meanwhile In North Korea:

Celebrations: Staged festivities have been taking place in Pyongyang all week to mark Kim Jong-Il's birthday

Marking the day: Kim Jong-Il's birthday celebrations are a major event in North Korea

North Koreans celebrated the country's biggest holiday to mark the 69th birthday of Kim Jong-il, the isolated state's reclusive and ailing leader who is trying to smooth the path for a third generation of family rule.

Kim's youngest son Jong-un, in his late 20s, has been identified to succeed him, and was in 2010 appointed to senior military and political posts, along with Kim's sister and husband, who are widely seen as key caretakers for the hand-over.

Jong-un has been named vice chairman of the powerful National Defence Commission, which his father heads as state leader, South Korea's Chosun Ilbo daily quoted a source who is familiar with the North as saying. South Korean officials could not confirm it.

The move could give the junior Kim additional credentials to take over power in a society that values seniority and official titles but analysts say no public post carries as much weight as being the current leader's son and hand-picked successor.

Party images: Kim Jong-un, youngest son of Kim Jong-il, was displayed on screen during one performance to mark his father's birthday

Kim Jong-il is believed to have suffered a stroke in 2008 and was away from public view for months. He was frail and gaunt when he reappeared months later, although last year he twice travelled to China and visited dozens of factories and military sites at home.

The North has becoming increasingly hostile to its southern neighbour over the past two years, and has conducted nuclear and missile tests, staged military attacks and revealed advances in its nuclear programme.

Analysts say Kim Jong-il uses these acts to boost his own, well as his son's image as iron rulers.

Ice show: Celebrations also featured an international figure skating festival which began in Pyongyang the day before Kim Jong-Il's birthday

In the swim: Synchronised swimmers put on a display to spell out the date of Kim Jong-Il's birthday

Staged festivities are scheduled throughout the week, including exhibitions of Kimjongilia, a hybrid flower named after the leader, as well as ice-skating, acrobatics and musical shows.

The capital's streets were festooned with lanterns, state news agency KCNA reported.

'The venues of the events are pervaded with deep trust in Kim Jong-il who has led the Korean revolution only to victory, true to the will of President Kim Il-sung,' KCNA reported, referring to his father and the state's founder.

Meanwhile In South Korea:
Not everyone's celebrating: In South Korea, protestors burned pictures of Kim Jong-Il and the North Korean flag during a rally denouncing his birthday

Politicians released balloons with anti-Pyongyang messages across the border, while in the capital, Seoul, protesters burnt posters of Kim Jong-il and his son.


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