Posted by Unknown Friday, February 11, 2011

Dictator Hussni Mubarak refused to resign and in his speech again just talked about some amendments in constitution and transfer of some powers. These Generals think from long shoes, they always forget that every dog and dictator has his day. The imperialism is afraid to loose his loyal puppet in the region and wanted him to remain in power to avoid any simmilar uprising in nearby dictatorial countries and to show thier trembling rulers that USA will always be behind to support in crises. The crises in Egypt ins becoming deeper and deeper as the time goes by inviting more strata of society in movement. It is quite possible that some people may get frustrated after SPEECH and return to home but still a majority will be there to go forward and question not only a dictator but now army and whole system . The events will unfold quickly and will affect whole region. Rulers have to and will pay prize for it . This will be their last last attempt to save the statsque. today PM said to people that GO BACK HOME , sonn they will heard the eco of this order in thier presidential haal. Here in Pakistan are also some comrades whose theoritical develoment has stopped since the fall of German wall and coup of Soviet Russia. They continue to find any bolshivek party in Egyptian people movement and when they do not they take of their hand say , IT IS OF USE. They argue that this is anachy, or fundamentalst will take benifit of it or militry will take power so on. They can not understand the dynamic of socia l movement. It is not enough for them to see a anti dictator ,anti imperialist movement. thier eyes and ears are modified only to hear international and see hammer and sickle only. For them socialism is a qualitative change without quantitative series of changes. As for as the question of army is concerend , it is already in power . Akhwan ul muslimeen have only 15 % vote back . and they also can be negetted by this movement. This is the time to come forward in solidarity. LEFT UNITY HYDERABAD has organised a demo as solidarirty to this secular , democratic, anti dictator movement on sunday 13th feb at Hyderbad press club by 3 pm. All progreesive persons from all walk of life are invited to paricipate and raise question to our own state. BAKHSHAL THALHO


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