Allama Mashriqi's warning in 1947

Posted by Unknown Thursday, February 10, 2011

Respected Allama Mashriqi's warning in 1947

Public address at Patna

On May 14, 1947, in a public meeting in Patna, Mashraqi made an extremely important observation in front of 50,000 people who came to listen to his address. Mashraqi said:

“…transfer of power handed over to men who have been trained in British way of thinking will bring nothing but worse form of British Raj again. This Raj will be ten times more tyrannical, more deformed, more ghastly, more imperialistic and non-Indian than even the worst form of British Raj. It will, in fact, be a travesty of all truths and a parody of every good or bad thing that the British have given to India during the past 100 years. It will be, in fact, an anarchy in order, a stereo-typed tyranny, and a confusion worst confounded. It will be a perpetual reign of Atom Bomb and Rule of Terror. It will be regalised genocide and state killings. It will justify murder of children in mothers’ wombs, wholesale destruction of all cultures, suppression of all true History, murder of Philosophy, total wiping out of honourable traditions, and wholesale slaughter of ideas. Handing over power to one or many political parties in India would mean a rule of worse imperialism, worse capitalism, worse halakuism than all the History has yet produced. It will, in fact, be British Raj without British traditions. It will be a reign of ‘Hell on Earth’. It will decimate the beautiful culture of Asia, the beautiful code of Asiatic Moral Laws, the beautiful philosophy of Peace and Tolerance, in fact the beautiful Fundamental Truths that Asia has ever given to Mankind during the last 5000 years…The present plan of transfer of power, to my mind, is the Diabolical Plan of the relentless rule of Birla, Brahmin and Khan Bahadur Raj where arrogance, money and tyranny will rule rather than human beings.

The last remedy under the present circumstances is that one and all rise against this conspiracy as one man. Let there be a common Hindu-Muslim Revolution in which not hundreds but millions will lose their lives by the bullets of Birla and the British. Millions will die, no doubt, in this way but hundreds of millions will be saved forever. If man has decided to kill man for sheer lust of power and with nothing to show to the world except tyranny and loot, it is time that we should sacrifice men in millions now in order to uphold Truth, Honour and Justice.”

1) "Al-Islah" (Lahore), May 23, 1947.
2) Syed Shabbir Hussain, Al-Mashriqi: The Disowned Genius, Jang Publishers (Pakistan), pp. 227-228.
3) Nasim Yousaf, Hidden Facts Behind British India's Freedom: A Scholarly Look into Allama Mashraqi and Quaid-e-Azam's Political Conflict, AMZ Publications (USA), pp. 247-248.

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