Muslims in America are in need of help
Karin Friedemann (LETTER FROM AMERICA)
1 January 2011
Khaleej Times
Since 9/11 hundreds if not thousands of Muslims have faced "preemptive prosecution," where Muslims who are deemed "dangerous" are prosecuted before they commit a crime.
In these prosecutions, there are so many holes in the government's theories that the case is nothing but a list of unsubstantiated accusations. When the defense asks, "Where is your evidence?" the prosecution says, "The evidence is "classified." They argue that to give evidence of the outrageous statements they are making against this person would be a threat to national security! Consequently, the normal defensive legal strategy has not worked to clear Muslims of false charges.
American Muslims are like and unlike other immigrant groups to the USA. American Catholic immigrants often faced prejudice in the past, but American Muslims confront well-organised, wealthy and politically powerful American Jewish Zionists willing to do practically anything, including scare mongering and defamation of Islam, to prevent the participation of Muslim citizens in American politics, academics, charity or economic activities because these could enhance their political and social stature. In Islamophobic show trials prosecutors are well positioned to commit great wrongs due to existing attitudes against Muslims. To win in such a situation, supporters must present themselves as the last line of defense for the American way of life:
When American Muslims practice their religion, they are contributing to the strength of the United States. By defending the Muslim right to practice Islam, Muslims defend the American principle of freedom of religion. Those who falsely imprison Muslims are the true enemies of all Americans.
When the FBI and the US Attorney move to arrest, instead of engaging in apologetics as if the accused were already tried and found guilty, Muslim organisations need to make as much noise as possible about fairness and equal protection and to address issues of ethno-political agenda.
US laws should be enforced uniformly for Jews and non-Jews. Why do the FBI and the US attorneys only pursue alleged Muslim extremism and material support of terrorism when Zionist extremism and material support of terrorism are open and blatant?
Yick Wo v. Hopkins is as important today as it was in 1886 when the Supreme Court's decision established that it was just as unfair to enforce laws unequally as it was to write racial inequality into laws.
Muslim organisations must take legal action against any government agency, whose improper or unequal application of US law and regulations is harming Muslim American citizens and residents. This should be accompanied by the identification of US government officials, who have engaged in the misuse or perversion of office in order to harm Muslims.
Muslim organisations should create international pressure by linking the release of political prisoners to better relations with the Islamic world. Obviously no Muslim country should trust the US as long as the US wrongfully incarcerates Muslims. Americans will have to reach out to Muslim countries that are being pressured by the USA to take action against alleged terrorist organisations or to aid US strategic goals. Turkey for example should start asking why the US is not arresting those that supported the IDF in killing US and Turkish citizens. Developing a public consciousness of the issues is essential, but pro-Muslim activists must have the ultimate goal of putting the real criminals into jail. Any lesser goal means Muslims will probably lose because the opposition is without doubt willing to do anything to put as many Muslims in jail as possible.
Legal defense teams, Muslim and civil rights organisations, and supporting political activists must act as a highly coordinated special forces unit much in the way that prosecutors and both left wing and right wing Israel advocates coordinate their efforts. The larger Muslim community should give them all possible material support.
Uncovering a conspiracy involving infiltration of the government requires a full-scale investigation on the level of a "witch hunt" to find out who decided to target whom and why. Who sent out the press releases to the media making false claims to sway the jury against the defendants? Who advanced the plans to destabilise the US by using false intelligence to cover up their own crimes? This can only be done by initiating aggressive discovery lawsuits, because you need exact names and evidence to accuse people of treason or seditious conspiracy.
Because the FBI or Homeland Security are infiltrated by the very people committing financial and political crimes against the US, these agencies themselves have a vested interest in cleansing themselves of this corruption.
There is no magic bullet that will fix the US justice system. It will take thousands of lawsuits over both large and small issues, and lots of PR to pressure the US to prosecute Zionist terrorism supporters in the USA. While it is no small amount of money that would be needed, it's certainly less money than destroying and rebuilding country after country.
Once American Zionist leaders realise that they are vulnerable to terrorism prosecutions, they themselves will use the full extent of their power to stop these trials as antithetical to fundamental Constitutional principles, to which they will suddenly develop a profound attachment.
Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics, and Editor of World View News Service