Posted by Unknown Friday, December 17, 2010

The Tenth Day Of This Sacred Month is Known As Aashura And is Considered To Be One Of The Most important And Blessed Days Of Allah in The Islamic Calendar.
The Word "Aashura" is Derived From Ashara,
which Means Ten.
The Observation Of This Day Dates Back To Prophet Moosa (AS).
In A Hadith Related By Ibn Abbas (RA)
When The Messenger Of Allah (SAW) Came To Madina,
He Found The Jews Fasting On The Day Of Aashura.
He inquired Why They Were Doing So.
They Replied That it Was A Good Day,
The Day On Which Allah Delivered Prophet Moosa (AS) And The Children Of Israel From Pharaoh.
As Gratitude Moosa (AS) Fasted That Day.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) Responded
“ I Have More Right To Moosa Than You.”
He Fasted The Day And Commanded The Believers To Fast.
[Bukhari and Muslim].

The idea Underlying This Event is To Stress The Affinity Amongst The Messengers Of Allah And To Show That Religious Devotion is A Constant Flow From One Generation To Another.

The Prophet (SAW) Came Not To Abrogate All The Earlier Religious Practices But To Codify And Preserve Them For All Times To Come in ideal Forms.

In A Hadith it is Reported By Aisha (RA) That The Holy Prophet (SAW) Ordered:

“ The Observance Of The Fast Of Aashura.

However, When The Fast Of Ramadan Became Compulsory, Then Whosoever Wished, Kept This Fast And Whosoever Desired Did Not Observe This Fast.” (Bukhari)

Abu Qataada (RA) Has Related That The Prophet (SAW) Has Reported To Have Said:

" It Is My Thought That By Fasting On The 10th Of

Muharram Allah( SWT Will Pardon The Sins Of The Past Year ( Tirmidhi )

Ibn Abbas Related When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Observed The Day Of Aashura And Commanded His Followers To Observe it,

They Asked Him “O Messenger Of Allah (SAW)

This is The Day The Jews, And Christians Respect And Honor.

” The Prophet (SAW) Promised Them That “Next Year Allah Willing,

We Shall Fast The 9th Of The Month,

Along With The 10th.”

By The Following Muharram,

The Prophet (SAW) Had Already Passed Away.

It is Therefore, Recommended That One Observes The Fast Of The 9th Or 11th Of Muharram Together With That Of The 10th To Safeguard This Deed From Resemblance With The Non-Muslims Who Fast Only On the 10th Of The Month.

To Fast Only On The Day Of Aashura is Makrooh. Ibn Abbas (RA) Stated:

“When Rasulullah (SAW) Observed The Fast Of The Day Of Aashura And Ordered (his Companions) To Fast,

They Said: `O Rasulullah!

It is A Day Revered (glorified) By The Jews And Christians.’

Thereupon Rasulullah Said:

“The Coming Year, if Allah Wills (I remain alive),

I Will For Surely Fast On The Ninth (also).” (Muslim)

The Holy Prophet (SAW) Said:

“ Observe The Fast Of Aashura And Oppose The Jews.

Fast A Day Before it Or A Day After.” (Baihaqi)

Although it is Sunnah To Fast On The Day if Aashura And On One Further Day,

Performing A Sacrifice On The 10th Of The Month is An innovation.

One Should Be Generous To One’s Family And Dependants And Spend More On Them Than What is Normally Spent.

The Holy Prophet (SAW) Said:

“ One Who Generously Spends On His Family On The Day Of Aashura, Allah Will Increase (his provision) For The Whole Year.” (Baihaqi)


Pre- Islamic Times

1-· Prophet Adam (AS) Was Born And Entered The Paradise On 10th Of Muharram

2-·Prophet Ayyub (AS) Was Cured From His illness

3 - A Way Was Made in The Sea For Bani Israel

4 -Prophet Suleman (AS) Was Ordained King

5 -·The Oceans And Heavens Were Created (Tanbihul-Gaafileen)

During Islam

- Hadhrat Hussain (RA) Was Martyred During This Month

· Shaykhain Tirmizi & Haakim Has Narrated From Anas (RA) That The Following Verse

"Allah May Forgive Thee Of Thy Sins That Which is Past And That Which is To Come " (Al-Fath 48:2)

Was Revealed On The 10th Of Muharram

· The Prophet Muhammed (SAW)

Defeated Bani Muhaarin And Bani Tha'laba (Tribes of Bani Gatfan) in The Year 4 AH

Note :-- It is Also Seen That Few illiterate Muslims Are indulge into Tazia Poshi And Matam (Mourning) Like Chaining And Beating Them Self ,All Are Unislamic Act And Treated As A innovation. It is A Great Sin in Islam. Please Boycott And Educate Others.


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