Jazz Subha Shaam SMS Offer

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Following the success of our previous SMS plus offer, we are pleased to launch another exciting SMS offer for our loyal Jazz users.
Now subscribers of SMS plus offer can send up to 250 SMS to any network in Pakistan throughout the day i.e. from 7am to 7pm at a rate of Rs. 1.5 + Tax.
Rest of the offer details and service mechanics will remain unchanged. via
Jazz SMS Plus Offer
  Price* Free SMS Validity Time window Minimum Balance Required (with tax)
New Offer Rs. 1.5 250 1 day 7 am - 7 pm Rs. 1.8
Previous Offer Rs. 1.9 500 1 day 12 am - 12 pm Rs. 2.38


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