Posted by Unknown Saturday, November 06, 2010

 Bedouin men in suits take part in Epiphany parade in Seville, Spain.

 Seven Chinese gymnasts balancing on a bicycle during a tour of the Chinese State Circus in London.

 Yokozuna Asashoru (right) and his assistant perform ceremonial imbedded in Meidzi temple in Tokyo.

 Dancers perform traditional Mexican dances before the Day of the Three Kings on the stage of the Gala Hispanic Theatre in Washington. 

 Christmas tree on one of the fire stations of Seoul, South Korea.

 The woman buys underwear in Kabul

 Outskirts of Puri-India

 Indian Buddhist monk looks out through the bun, while the others listen to a lecture by the Dalai Lama's temple at Bodh Gaya Mahabodhi, India.


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