- Acadia University
- Alberta Vocational College - Calgary
- Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Ashton College
- Athabasca University
- Augustana University College
- Bishop's University
- Brandon University
- British Columbia Institute of Technology
- Brock University
- Cabot College of Applied Arts, Technology and Continuing Education
- Canadian Coast Guard College
- Canadore College
- Carleton University
- Centre universitaire Saint-Louis-Maillet
- College Jean-Guy Leboeuf
- Columbia College
- Concordia University
- Concordia University College of Alberta
- Conestoga College
- DeVry Institute of Technology, Ontario
- Douglas College
- Eastern College of Applied Arts, Technology and Continuing Education
- Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique
- Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
- Erindale College
- Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Grant MacEwan Community College
- Hautes Etudes Commerciales
- Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Keyin Technical College
- LaSalle College Group
- Lakehead University
- Lethbridge Community College
- Malaspina University College
- Malaspina University-College
- McGill University
- Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Mount Allison University
- Mount Royal College
- Mount Saint Vincent University
- Okanagan University College
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- Open Learning Agency
- Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
- Red River Community College
- Royal Military College of Canada
- Royal Roads University
- Ryerson Polytechnic University
- Saint Mary's University
- Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology
- Sault College
- Simon Fraser University
- Sir Sandford Fleming College
- Sir Wilfred Grenfell College
- Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
- St. Thomas University
- Technical University of British Columbia
- Technical University of Nova Scotia
- Tele-Universite
- The King's University College
- Trinity Western University
- University College of Cape Breton
- University College of the Cariboo
- University College of the Fraser Valley
- University of British Columbia
- University of Calgary
- University of Guelph
- University of Montreal
- University of New Brunswick
- University of New Brunswick, Saint John
- University of Ottawa
- University of Prince Edward Island
- University of Regina
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of Toronto
- Wilfrid Laurier University
- York University