The Life of Muhammad S.m

Posted by Unknown Friday, March 21, 2008

Let us View in Short, the life of Muhammad s.m
(Reference Book Bangla Rasullah ar Biplobi Zibon -Abu Solim Muhammad Abdul hai)

The World condition before prophet’s Birth:
1. Before Year 570 the whole world had two powers who rule the world. A) Rome Rule by Christian B) Iran rule by the fire worshipers. They worshiped their great man, Idol (made by hand), Sun, Fire, Trees etc.
2. In Arab: The people of Arab believe of Allah but they also associate with Him by some Idol (made by hand) for different needs. They hated girls as daughter, so they killed them in their early life. They loved son because it increase their power. They loved fight group to group for long long time. They loved Sex, Drink, gamble, and rover. Both male and female prayed KABA (the House of Allah) in nude.
3. Christian and Yahoodi (Boni Israyel) also associate with Allah. They worshiped their religious leaders, Great man, Isya, Mariam by making Idol by their hand. They forgot the original lesson form Isya and Musa but follow their own made guide . In Madina Yahoodi fought for property and power for a long time. They loved to make money by Interest business (Riba), They also loved sex, drink, and gamble. They sold man and made them as servant. Black and white different effects so much in their society.
4. In India: there were also high-low different and high level people tortured to the lower level people as a toy. They were the idol (made by hand) and Sex worshiper, loved to drink alcohol .They press to burn the wife with her dead husband for save the wife’s character.

So you think how ignorance and cruel the world was at that time.
……………………… in this situation the whole worlds innocent peoples were crying to their lord for help.

Birth of Muhammad s.m:
20 April in 570 , in 12 Robiul Awal ,Monday Prophet Muhammad s.m was born in Makka (Arab). His father Abdullah, Mother Amena, Grand father Abdul Muttalib, Uncle 1) Abu Talib, 2) Hazrat Hamza Ra. 3) Hazrat Abbus Ra. 4) Abu Lahab .
Halima Take care :
As the tradition of Makka, Halima took care as breast feeding Mother of Muhammad s.m and she took care Muhamad s.m till He was 5 or 6 year.
Mother Amena died :
Muhammad S.m’s father Abudullah died ,when He was in His mother’s belly. Muhammad s.m and His Mother Amena went to the grave of Abdullah for pray. On the way Amena became sick and died when Muhammad s.m was 6 year.
Grand Father died:
After death of Amena Abdul Muttalib ,the grand father of Muhammad s.m took care Him and loved Him so much .but when Muhammad s.m was 8 years old then Abdul Muttalib also died.
Uncle Abu Talib Take care:
After death of Muhammad S.m’s Grand father, His uncle Abu Talib took care of Him as a Son. He loved Muhammad s.m more than his son Hazrat Ali Ra . Abu Talib took care as shelter to Muhammad s.m till his death when Muhamamd S.m was 53 years Old.
When Muhammad s.m was 15 years old then he made an organization named HILFUL FUZUL. To stop the unnecessary war some young and some leader of Makka made this organization and worked for the innocent and helpless people.
Al-Amin, Honorable and honest Muhammad:
The character of Muhammad s.m was so nice that in the early age the people of Makka called Muhammad as Al-Amin (truthful). They keep their property to Muhammad for safe and due time they take back it without any problem .So before Islam Muhammad S.m was well known as a great, honorable and truthful man of Makka. They called him for suggestion when they need to solve their serious problem. He did well also in Abu Talib’s business for his honesty. He knew some good business policy.
Marry with Hazrat Khadiza Ra. :
When he got a job in Hazrat Khadiza Ra’s Business, then He earn more good profit. His good character attracted Khadiza, So She wanted to Marry Him. One day She offered Muhammad s.m to marry her .After getting permission form Abu Talib ,He married with Hazrat Khadiza R.a . Hazrat Khadiza R.a surrendered all of her property to Muhammad s.m .He served all of this property to the relatives and poor people of Makka ,Because He was so kind and always Liked to help other.
Muhammad S.m Thought about Peace:
The situation of Makka always hurt Muhammad s.m. He was so sad for their worst character and hurt for the innocent or helpless people. So He always thought how to solve the problem and how He could make the peace between groups to group. He leaved the society and start thought in a hole of HERA Mountain. His wife Hazrat Khadiza knew about this, So She didn’t want to disturb Him. She just took the food for Muhammad S.m by climbing the mountain which was so hard! She was so older (55) even that she did this for her Dearest Husband.
Holy Quran Sent Down:
When Muhammad S.m was thinking in HEAR Mountain, at the age of 40 then Quran sent down to Muhammad s.m by Hazrat Zibrayel A.s . 1st sent down Ayah of Quran was Sura Al-Alak (96: 1-4 ayah) :
: Read in the name of your Lord Who created. : Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: :Read and your Lord is Most Honorable, : He Who taught (the use of) the pen,-
Muhammad S.m was afraid:
Muhammad s.m Was afraid to see the Angel Hazrat Zibrayel A.s ,then He came back home and for afraid He felled flue, then He told details to Hazrat Khadiza R.a. She told “You have no fear. Lord can not angry to You, Because You fulfill the right of your relatives, you help other by carrying his goods, Help the Needy (miskin) man, you always welcome and feed the visitor/tourist (Musafir).” After She took Muhammad S.m to Oraka Ibni Nowfel, Chirstian scholar, he assured Him that, ”you will be the Last prophet and that Man who came to you was the Angel form Allah .So you no need to worried or Afraid.”
Wake up and Call people towards Allah:
After Six Month When Muhammad S.m was sleeping by wearing blanket then another order form Allah sent down in Sura Muddasir(74:1-7): O you who are clothed! : Arise and deliver thy warning! : And your Lord do magnify,: And your garments do purify,: And all abomination shun! : And bestow not favors that you may receive again with increase,: And for the sake of your Lord, be patient.
So, Muhammd S.m started preaches the Islam to change the society.
1st converted Muslim:
Hazrat Khadiza Ra.(Wife of Muhammad), Hazrat Ali Ra (cousin), Hazrat Abu Bakar Ra (Friend), Hazrat Jayed (Servant) converted to Islam. Then Hazrat Osman Ra., Hazrat Jubayer Ra., Hazrat Abudr Rahman bin Awf Ra., Hazrat Sayad bin abi wakkas Ra., Hazrat Talha Ra. Converted to Islam.
Hiddnely called for Islam :
1st 3 years Muslim called people of makka towards the Islam secretly.
Start Open work for Islam:
After 3years of Prophet life ,Muslim started calling people to Islam openly. Muhammad S.m delivered his speech to the people of Makka about Islam on SAFA Mountain. He offered to the people to leave their religion and idols (made by hand) as Lord and He also offered them to take only One Allah and Follow Muhammad as Allah’s Prophet. Then 1st time Abu Lahab protested His speech and cursed Him by throwing stone, then Allah angry and Cursed to Abu Lahab and Sent down Sura Lahab:(111:1-5) : Perdition overtakes both hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish.: No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains! : He shall soon burn in fire that flames, : His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - As fuel!- : Upon her neck a halter of strongly twisted rope.
1st Shahid of Islam :
This time Muslim was near about 40 people. One Day Muhammad s.m declared to pray in KABA then all unbelievers attack Muhammad S.m but Hazrat Haris bin Abi Halah Ra. Save Muhammad S.m by sacrificed his Life. He was the 1st shahid of Islam. (Some scholar declared different opinion that Hazrat Summaya Ra was the 1st Shahid of Islam.)
Different kinds of Tortured:
Kuraish leader offered Muhammad to leave Islam, then they will make Him king of the Arab and will arrange marry with beautiful girls of Makka to whom He liked. But Muhammad S.m refused all proposal and told,” if You give sun and moon on my two hand even that I cant leave Islam. Form then they started torture Muslim people very much. They kept sleeping Muslim on hot sand and kept on them heavy stone, push and bit by hot iron in to their body, some one kept down in to the water by term, some one bitten in different way by stick or rod so that they may leave the Islam but they failed to do that.
Convert to Muslim even torture:
Hazrat Khabbab R.a (Slave), Hazrat Belal Ra. (Slave), Hazrat Ameer Ra., Hazrat Lubaina Ra., Hazrat Junairy Ra. Converted to Muslim and didn’t leave Islam even they were tortured by KAFIR.
Hizrat (leave Makka) to Abyssinia:
Abyssinia is now called the Ethiopia. To saved Muslim form the Tortured of Musrik, In 615 year by the ordered form Hazrat Muhammad S.m , 15 person leaved to Abisinia for calling people to the Islam. The king of Abisinia NAZZASI was Christian, later he converted to Islam by the followers of Muhammad S.m .Nazzasi helped the Muslim to live his country. Nazzasi’s Muslim name is ASMAHA . He died when he was 83 and Muhammad S.m Prayed for him. After his death, another 83 Muslim arrived to Abyssinia for teach Islam.
Hamza and Omar converted to Muslim:
In 615 year Hazrat Muhammad s.m’s uncle converted to Islam when Abu Jahil cursed and threatened Muhammad S.m.. In this year Hazrat Omar Ra. Converted to Islam when he went to kill Muhammad s.m. But Allah Swt changed his mind and took him as a brave Solder of Islam.
[Part -2]
Muslims in Block (Shihab-e Abu-alib):
Kafir of Makka economically and socially band and block the Muslims of Makka, So willingly Muslim took place in cave of a Mountain ,Named Shib -e–Abu Talib. Muslim stayed here for Three years without any food. In this time they ate leaves and grass, it was so hurtful history for Muslim. They escaped form here in 620AD.
Great shade of Muhammad S.m died:
After escaped form Shib-e-Abu Talib with in few days Abu Talib died (87) who gave Grate Shade to Muhammad S.m . After his death Muhammad S.m also lost Her Dear Wife Hazrat Khadiza Ra(65). In this time Muhammad S.m Was seriously upset and hurt about the crises of Muslim.
Tablig (Dawah) out of Makka (Tayef):
Muhammad S.m wanted to preach Islam out side of Makka and visited Tayef but the people of Tayef also tortured Muhammad S.m by the influence of Abu Zahil. So, they arranged some bad guy and ordered them to stone Him that He may die. By the following stone to our dear Prophet Muhammad S.m’s Body became Bleeding so much that His Shoes fixed with leg. Allah sent Hazrat Jibrayel A.s to destroy the people of Tayef but Muhammad S.m forgave them and prayed for them without giving Punish.
1st Biyat –e –Akaba (Promise):
620 AD in the time of Hajj , Six People of Modina converted to Muslim and made a promise (Biyat) by giving their hand on the hand of Muhammad S.m in the place of Akaba . In history this is called the Biyat-e-Akaba ,the 1st Biyat of Islam.
2nd Biyat –e-akaba (Promise):
Next year in 621 AD in the time of Hajj ,twelve people of Modina converted to Islam in the place of Akaba and they also made a promise to Muhammad S.m which is called the 2nd Biyat –e-Akaba of Islam. The declaration was:
1) Don’t associate with One Allah
2) Don’t allow the theft
3) Don’t go for Adultery
4) Don’t kill their own baby (son/daughter)
5) Don’t tell lie about other (GIBAH)
6) Don’t violet the order form Muhammad S.m
Moon Divided:
The leader of Makka asked Muhammad S.m,” if you can divided the Moon then we believe that you are the real prophet ” . Muhammad S.m Divided the Moon by His finger but the non believers didn’t believe Him but blame him as a magician (Nauzubillah).
Miraz /Isra:
In 622 AD , When Allah Swt feeled Muhammad S.m Need More Strong Faith to do His duty properly then Allah Swt Invited Muhammad S.m in the Night to His kingdom. In Short time Allah Swt took Him Baitul Makdis and form there to His Kingdom to show all the hidden thinks of the world and wanted to show Him The Jannat and Zahannam. Here Muhammad S.m talk with Allah Swt. In the returning time Allah gave to Muslim a great Gift by Muhammad S.m ,that is the 5 time prayer.
Sura Isra (17:01): Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).
Hizrat/shifted to Modina :
In 580 AD ,When the kafir of Makka planed to killed Muhammad S.m and gathered soldier around the house of Muhammad S.m, then Hazrat Muhammad S.m by the order form Allah leave Makka to Modina by the help of Allah. It is called Hizrat of Islam. Form this time Hizri (Arabic) year start to count. Muhammad S.m Kept Hazrat Ali to his bed and gave him some property to return the right owner. Hazrat Muhammad S.m took only Hazrat Abu Bakat as company of Hizrat to Modina.
Kind Congratulation form the people of Modina:
When the people and child of Modian got the Great Prophet on their door, they cry out for joy and well come to Muhammad S.m by singing
The Sun already rise, form the Mountain of BIDA, it is the duty to Thanks the Allah, as long the prayer pray to Him”
Construction the 1ST Musque of Islam (Mosque-e-NABABI):
After arrived in Modina Muhammad S.m 1st constructed a Mosque, it is called the Masjid-e-Nababi of Islam.
Modina Sanad (Modina Constitution):
Muhammad S.m made an agreement within three religious group to make unity, brotherhood between Muslim, Yahoodi and Christian that a responsible big align estate can establish to make peace in the world. Every group of people welcomed to Muhammad S.m as the leader of that estate .This was a primary Islamic estate of Modina . This agreement is called Modina Sonod of Islam. This historical effective agreement is the 1st written constitution of the world.
Battle of Bodor :
In 2nd Hizri, 17 Ramadan (March-623 AD) Kafir of Makka wanted to finish the name of Islam form the world, so they arrived with well prepared solder (1000) in the place of Bodor. But Muhammad S.m took only 313 arm less Muslim solder. By the help form Allah Swt Muslim Won the Battle. Kafir power seriously destroyed in this battle.
Sura Al-Imran ( 3:122-126) 003.122 : Remember two of your parties Meditated cowardice; but Allah was their protector, and in Allah should the faithful (Ever) put their trust. 003.123 : Allah had helped you at Badr, when ye were a contemptible little force; then fear Allah; thus May ye show your gratitude. 003.124 : Remember thou saidst to the Faithful: "Is it not enough for you that Allah should help you with three thousand angels (Specially) sent down? 003.125 : "Yea, - if ye remain firm, and act aright, even if the enemy should rush here on you in hot haste, your Lord would help you with five thousand angels Making a terrific onslaught. 003.126 : Allah made it but a message of hope for you, and an assurance to your hearts: (in any case) there is no help except from Allah. The Exalted, the Wise:
Battle of wohud :
3rd Hizri in the Month of Shawal Kaffir of Makka wanted to punish Muslim and farther planned to finish the power of Muslim. They advanced to Modina with 3000 soldier by the leadership of Khalid Bin Walid. Muslim soldier was 1000 but on the way Adulllah bid wabi (hypocrite) went back by taking his 300 followers. 1st time Muslim won the battle but a group of solder violet or forgot the order of Muhammad S.m to keep save the hidden way back side of Baddar mountain. So kaffir got way to attack Muslim form this Blank hidden side, so this time Muslims defeated by the attack form kafir. In this time 12 followers guard Muhammad S.m by facing their body on the attack, so that they succeed to save Muhammad S.m .In this battle Muhammad S.m injured and a teeth was broken. Later Muslims were unity and decided to attack the Kafir but this time Kafir afraid to fight so they leaved the wohud. In this battle 70 followers of Muhammad S.m were died.
Sura Al Imran (3:139-142) 003.139 : So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith. 003.140 : If a wound hath touched you, be sure a similar wound hath touched the others. Such days (of varying fortunes) We give to men and men by turns: that Allah may know those that believe, and that He may take to Himself from your ranks Martyr-witnesses (to Truth). And Allah loveth not those that do wrong. 003.141: Allah's object also is to purge those that are true in Faith and to deprive of blessing Those that resist Faith. 003.142 : Did ye think that ye would enter Heaven without Allah testing those of you who fought hard (In His Cause) and remained steadfast?

Action against hypocrite and other enemy:
After came back form wohud battle Muslims faced a lot of problem form yahudi and hypocrite. So Muslim had to face a lot of small battle and succeed to destroy the anti power of Muslim beside the Modina. In 4th Hizri Muslim solder fight and won against 1) Juaiyed group 2) lahyean group 3) Bani Kainukar Battle 4) killed kab Ibni Ashraf the Yahoodi poet who planned to killed muhammd S.m 5) Banu Nazir Group.
Battle of Khondok:
5th Hizri in the Month of Zilkod Kafir arrived to attack Modina by taking 12,000 solder to destroy the power of Muslim. But Muhammad S.m by the suggestion of Hazrat Salman farsi started to dig the surrounding land of Madiana that kafir solder failed to enter Modian easily. 3000 Muslim solder finished digging this trap area within 20days. The trap was 5 ft long and 5 ft deep. This time Muslim solders were in food crises. When the kaffir solder came near the trap they faced a danger storm, so that they loss their brave and leaved the plan to attack Modina. So Muslim won this battle also by the great help from Allah.
Sura Ahzab(33: 9,10-11,17)33:09: O ye who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah, (bestowed) on you, when there came down on you hosts (to overwhelm you): But We sent against them a hurricane and forces that ye saw not: but Allah sees (clearly) all that ye do. 033.010 : Behold! they came on you from above you and from below you, and behold, the eyes became dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye imagined various (vain) thoughts about Allah!033.011: In that situation were the Believers tried: they were shaken as by a tremendous shaking.
033.017 : Say: "Who is it that can screen you from Allah if it be His wish to give you punishment or to give you Mercy?" Nor will they find for themselves, besides Allah, any protector or helper.
The compromise of Hudaibia :
6th Hizri in the Month of Zilkad 1400 Muslim went to Mokka for Hazz but Non believers(kafir) afraid and gathered soldier out side of Makka that Muslims Could not enter to makka.
Muhammad S.m sent Hazrat Osman R. to discuss with the Kafir of makka that they allowed Muslimt to do the Hajj and cleared them that Muslim didnt come to fight. But in the main time a false news come to the Muslim tent that kafir killed hazrat Osman R.a then all Muslim people angry and wanted to requital the blood of Osman r.a ,So they made a Biyat (promise) under a tree .All Muslim wanted to die (Shahid) but requital the blood of Osman R..a. Allah was happy to their Promise, so it is called Biyat –e-Razwan . But later Muslims knew that Hazrat Osman Ra . till alive and that news was false.
In the place of Hudaibia Muslim and Kafir made a compromise, which is called in history the Compromise of Hudaibia. So that year Muslims could not do the hajj but return. For agreement with in 10 years they could not fight each other. It was a peaceful compromise. It’s condition was in favors of Kafir but at last this condition helped Muslim to win Makka. When back form hudaibia on the Way Allah Swt sent down sura fatha, here Allah told about this agreement fath hum Mubin Clear victory.
Letter to the Kings of the world:
In the 7th Hizri Hazrat Muhammad S.m wanted to preach Islam all over the world ,so he sent letter to the kinds of Roam (King Hira killias) , Parisha /Kisra/Iran (King Khoshru Parvez) , Meshor /Egypt (King Aziz), Abusinia (King Nazzashi).
Offensive Battle :
Before all battle Muslims solder was in defense but this time the environment and condition made Muslim to attack offensively to the enemy.
Battle of Khaibar:
In 7th Hizri the month of Mohram Muhammad S.m took 1600 solder to destroy the power of Yahoodi. So form Modina Muslims arrived to the battle of Khaibor. There are 3000 yshoodi solder stayed in to the 6th fort of Khaibar. After 20days Muslims won this battle. In this battle 15 Muslims died (shahid) and 95 yahoodi died.
Training to be a good Mumin:
In this time Muslims need training to be good Mumin .They also needed how to rule a country? So by term sure Nisa, Sura Mayada sent down form Allah Swt to teach Muslim people about the social life of Islam.
Victory of Makka :
When kafir broke the compromise agreement then Muhammad S.m wanted to attack Makka . In 8th Hizri the month of Ramada, Muhammad S.m took 10,000 Solder to attack Makka that they can set free the house of Allah (Kaba). Without any protection Muslim victory the Makka. In this time Abu Sufian converted to Muslim. Muhammad S.m forgave all the people of Makka without taking requital. He declared,”
1) All are safe who’s stayed their own house by locking the door.
2) All are safe whose stayed the house of Abu sufiyan
3) All are safe whose stayed in the house of Allah (Kaba)
Broke the Idol of Kaba:
Muhammad S.m broke all 360 Idol of Kaba and Prayed Salat in the place of Makam-e-Ibrahim. When Muhammad S.m declared the forgiveness to all the people of Makka then by terms all the people of Makka converted to Islam.
The Battle of Hunayoh:
The group of Hawazin and Sakib could not happy to see the growing power of Islam .So they wanted to destroy the power of Muslim. Hearing the news, 8th Hizri the month of Sowal Prophet Muhammd S.m took 12000 solder and arrive in the place of Hunayon. In this battle Muslim solder were more than the enemy, so they were proud of it. So Allah Swt wanted to teach Muslim that Only Allah has the Power of success or loss. So 1st time Muslims solder were defeated but after when they realized that they forgot the help of Allah ,So they come back to Allah and Allah farther helped them and Muslim solder got the victory in the battle of Hunayon.
Sura Tawaba (9: 25-26) 009.025 : Assuredly Allah did help you in many battle-fields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! your great numbers elated you, but they availed you naught: the land, for all that it is wide, did constrain you, and ye turned back in retreat. 009.026 : But Allah did pour His calm on the Messenger and on the Believers, and sent down forces which ye saw not: He punished the Unbelievers; thus doth He reward those without Faith.

Battle of Muta and Tabuk:
In 8th Hizri the month of Zamidual Awal Muhammad S.m took 3000 solder to keep safe the border of Seira that the enemy of Islam afraid the power of Muslim. Hearing this news the roman king sent 100,000 solders to destroy the Muslim solders but in the place of Muta, this small quantity of Muslim solder defeated the roaman solder.
Next year 9th Hizri Muhammad S.m took 30,000 solder to destroy the controlling power of Roman in Seria. Hearing this news the king won self wanted to join this battle so he gather a lot of solder in the place of Tabuk but they afraid the power of Muslim by remember the crises of Muta battle ,So they decide to leave the battle without any fight. Hazrat Muhammad S.m stayed in the place of Tabuk in 20days . By this the Muslim ruled area increase to the border of Roman.
Destroy the roots of hypocrisy:
After backing from the battle of Tabuk ,Sura Tawaba sent down . Here Allah Swt informed Muhammad S.m about the conspiracy of hypocrate. So Muhammad S.m destroyed the Mosque of Zirar which made by hypocrites to destroy Muhammad and Islam. By the order form Allah Swt Muslim let to leave all hypo crates form Modina.
The Last Hajj of Muhammad S.m:
In 10th Hizri the Month of Zilkad Muhammad S.m wanted to Hajj in Makka . In 9th Zilhajj Hazrat Muhammad S.m leave Mina to Arafa and delivered a historical speech. From that speech here given some Important advice:-
1) There are no Difference between Arab and non Arab,Black and white in Islam.
2) The respect of a Man depends on His Taqwa (Afraid of Allah)
3) Muslims are brotherhood. Be alert don’t do the Kuffri work by killing each other.
4) What you eat and wear, give same to your slave and sarvent (be careful about them).
5) All backdated interest (riba) business canceled form Now.
6) Afraid Allah about your daughter. Your daughter have right on you and you have right on your daughter be careful.
7) Your blood, honor, property are respectable to other Muslim till to the day of Kayamat (end of the world),
8) I give you two things 1)Quran 2) Sunnah. You keep both of them tightly then you will not path less ,other you will path less (destroy)
9) Tell all other about my speech whose are not here.
Death of Muhammad S.m :
After backing form the last hajj ,Hazrat Muhammad S.m became sick. Some time the pain increase and some time decrease. In the absence (sick time) of Muhammd S.m the 5 time Prayer lead by Hazrat Abu Bakkar Ra. By the order form Muhammad S.m .. In 11th Hizri the month of Rabiul Awal in Monday Muhammad S.m felt good in health. After Muhammad S.m became senceless by turm and He recited continue below:
“Allah humma fi rafikil awla”- Ohh Allah! You are grate friend.
Balir Rafikil Awla” – Now none, Only He is the grate friend.
By telling like this one time our Dearest prophet Muhammad S.m died.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Khurshid Alam
"Allah The God, Muhammad (s.m) The Messenger and Our Leader, Quran is Our Constitution, Sunnah The Right Path, Shari'ah The Best Law, Heaven is our Desire"

"We Call you to the Teaching of Islam,To the Guidence of Islam,To the Rules of Islam.


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